Congo’s president plans gradual easing of military rule in conflict-stricken east

Congo’s President Announces Easing of Military Rule in Conflict-Stricken East

In a recent address to the nation, President Felix Tshisekedi of Congo revealed plans to gradually ease the state of military rule in the strife-torn regions of North Kivu and Ituri provinces. These areas have been under strict military control, including curfews and restrictions, for over two years. This move comes ahead of the upcoming presidential elections, where President Tshisekedi seeks re-election.

The state of siege was initially imposed in 2021 as an effort to combat rising violence in these regions. Over 120 armed groups have been clashing, primarily over land and valuable mineral resources, with some factions aiming to protect their communities.

President Tshisekedi’s decision signifies a significant shift. It includes ending the curfew, allowing peaceful demonstrations, and permitting residents to return to their normal lives.

Why the Change?

Critics, including civil society and human rights organizations, have expressed concern over the state of siege, accusing security forces of abusing their powers and infringing on the rights of the population. Amnesty International, for instance, pointed out that the security situation did not improve as intended, and military authorities had misused their authority, infringing on freedoms like expression, assembly, and access to justice.

Despite the military rule, violence in these regions has persisted and even intensified. Some armed groups, such as the one linked to the Islamic State, have expanded their presence. Rebel groups, like M23, have taken control of towns, causing the displacement of tens of thousands of people.

The United States Embassy in Congo has expressed deep concern about the escalating violence in North Kivu province, where the M23 rebel group is active, resulting in loss of lives and mass displacement. The embassy has urged the government to redouble its efforts to safeguard the civilian population.

As President Tshisekedi takes this step to ease military rule in the east, it remains a pivotal moment for Congo as it navigates the path towards peace and stability in these conflict-ridden regions. The upcoming elections will play a crucial role in determining the future course of action.


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