Yang Hengjun’s Detention Worsens, Fueling Concerns of Fatal Consequence

Australian Writer Detained in China Faces Health Crisis, Fears Death Behind Bars

By Freddy Pawle for Daily Mail Australia

28 August 2023, 02:49 EDT — It’s been a rollercoaster ride of despair for Australian writer Yang Hengjun, locked away by the Chinese government for four years. And now, he’s got a fresh worry – a whopping 10cm cyst on his kidney. Yup, you heard that right.

Spying Shenanigans

Yang Hengjun, the pro-democracy blogger, got himself into a heap of trouble back in January 2019. The Chinese government slapped him with espionage charges faster than you can say “Great Wall.” They nabbed him as soon as he landed at Guangzhou Airport, where he was off to see his ailing brother.

Kidney Craziness

Fast forward to now, and Yang’s got a kidney the size of a small watermelon. Well, not really, but a 10cm cyst is nothing to laugh about. He’s been dealing with kidney problems for a year and a half, mistaking the pain for a gym workout gone wrong. The onsite doc’s like, “Hey, if it doesn’t pop or bleed, you’re cool.” But his supporters are not cool with that prognosis. They think he won’t get any real medical attention and might croak from kidney trouble.

Desperate Demands

Here’s where things get interesting. Yang’s crew has three wishes: First, spill the beans on Yang’s full medical checkup; second, bring in some Aussie medical hotshots to treat him off-site; and third, let him loose on medical parole. They’re not asking for a magic wand, just some medical sense.

Chinese Checkers and G20 Summit

Guess what? Yang’s health scoop comes just a couple of weeks before Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is supposed to meet China’s big boss, President Xi Jinping, at the G20 summit in India. Talk about timing, right? Yang’s like, “If I go kaput in here, no one will even know!” His statement’s making the rounds, passed on by his buddies.

Ongoing Ordeal

Now, don’t forget, Yang’s been stuck in a cell since May 2021 after a trial where nobody’s spilling the verdict beans. He’s been through the wringer, claiming he’s been tortured and treated like a 24/7 interviewee for a job he didn’t even apply for. He’s exhausted, confused, and worried. He even said his own defense was like a high school presentation gone wrong – just a few minutes of mumbled words.

Frustrating Extensions

And here’s the kicker. The Chinese government keeps pushing the verdict release date like it’s a shopping cart with a wobbly wheel. Yang’s hanging in prison without knowing if he’s free to go or not. The countdown to the next potential release is October 9.

Friends and Family Worried

The Australian government and Yang’s loved ones are getting antsy about all this. They want him out, healthy, and back with his family. But the Chinese government seems to be playing hard to get. Yang’s supporters are even calling out the Aussie Prime Minister not to set foot in China until both Yang and another Aussie journalist, Cheng Lei, are out of the slammer.

The Bottom Line

This whole situation is like a real-life suspense thriller, but it’s not popcorn-worthy. Yang’s got health trouble, political trouble, and no shortage of drama. Let’s hope this story takes a turn for the better before the next deadline rolls around. Stay tuned, folks! 🕵️‍♂️

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