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Washington Sheriff’s Stern Warning: ‘We’ll Pursue Smash-and-Grab Thieves’

County Sheriff Changes Tactics to Combat Smash-and-Grab Crimes

In a decisive move, a county sheriff in Washington state has issued a stern warning to smash-and-grab thieves, signaling a change in how law enforcement will respond to these burglaries. Thurston County Sheriff Derek Sanders has unveiled a new approach to tackle these crimes, making it clear that authorities will be relentless in their pursuit of offenders.

Sheriff Sanders delivered his message through a short video posted on Facebook. He directly addressed potential smash-and-grabbers, advising them to come up with a better plan because their existing strategies are no longer effective.

Sheriff Sanders emphasized that the old approach of causing extensive damage to businesses, fleeing in stolen vehicles, and relying on the state’s law for protection will no longer work in Thurston County. He stated that law enforcement will not simply pull over anymore, and the state’s legal protection will not apply.

Under the current state law, authorities are not permitted to chase suspects involved in burglaries, as the crime is classified as a second-degree offense. However, due to a surge in smash-and-grab incidents involving stolen vehicles, Sheriff Sanders revealed that Thurston County officials have reinterpreted these crimes. Now, crimes involving the use of vehicles to cause damage are categorized as first-degree burglary with a deadly weapon, enabling law enforcement to actively pursue suspects.

Recent incidents have seen suspects crashing stolen vehicles into businesses’ storefronts, causing significant damage. The sheriff announced that if suspects attempt to flee, law enforcement will employ various tactics, including pursuit, pit maneuvers to immobilize vehicles, foot chases, and even canine units if necessary. Sheriff Sanders made it clear that their efforts to capture offenders will be unyielding.

This change in approach follows a rising trend of smash-and-grab robberies involving stolen vehicles, affecting various small businesses in Thurston County. The targeted businesses range from marijuana shops and pipe stores to gun shops and boutique stores. Sheriff Sanders highlighted the negative impact of these crimes on the community, stressing that such acts are driving small businesses away from the area.

In conclusion, the county sheriff’s firm stance and altered tactics are a direct response to the surge in smash-and-grab incidents. Law enforcement in Thurston County is now fully committed to pursuing offenders relentlessly and putting an end to this growing crime trend that threatens local businesses and the community as a whole.


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