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VIDEO: Facial reconstruction sculptor rebuilds child victim in bid to identify Jane Doe

Unveiling a Half-Century Mystery: Unidentified Teen Found in Orlando Landfill in 1973

In 1973, near Orlando, Florida, a startling discovery gripped the police – the remains of an unidentified teenager with two fatal bullet wounds to her head were found discarded in a landfill. She had lain there, lifeless, for over a month, eventually unearthed on August 22 of that fateful year, near Route 431 in Altamonte Springs. Despite decades of searching, her identity remains a baffling enigma.

The Quest to Restore a Name

“What we’re doing is laying in those tissue markers, the ligature, the muscles, and then the skin to try to determine what she may have looked like in life, in hopes that somebody will recognize this child and help us give her her name back,” explains Callahan Walsh, the executive director of the Florida branch of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

A Remarkable Transformation

In a mere three days, Joe Mullins, a forensic artist from the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, undertook an extraordinary challenge. He reconstructed the face of the unidentified teen girl, who met her tragic end in that Orlando landfill nearly five decades ago. Mullins typically requires up to two weeks for such a task, but fueled by coffee and determination, he persevered. He completed this remarkable feat at CrimeCon 2023, held in Orlando, with the hope that someone attending the true crime conference might recognize her.

The Fusion of Art and Science

Mullins remarks on the process: “How do you go from a bare skull with obvious trauma, bullet holes, blunt force trauma, and turn that into a recognizable face? It’s a combination of art and science.” Working with parameters supplied by a forensic anthropologist, he meticulously crafted this poignant reconstruction.

The Missing Pieces of the Puzzle

The enigmatic Jane Doe was likely between 13 and 18 years old when tragedy struck. She is described as a Caucasian female with brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. Standing at approximately 5 feet, 4 inches, forensic testing on her bones suggests that she spent her early life in the western or northwestern United States, with possible sojourns in the Midwest, as per the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

A Worldwide Search for Clues

Despite thorough efforts, no missing persons report corresponds to her description in the area where she was discovered. This void in knowledge has prompted investigators to cast a wider net, seeking potential leads.

A Hopeful Plea

Joe Mullins expresses the urgency of their quest: “Last I checked, there’s about 7.8 billion people on the planet. We just need one person to see it and say, ‘I think I know who that is.’”

A Call for Assistance

If you recognize this young woman, you are urged to contact the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office at (407) 665-6600.

[Note: This article is a rewrite of the original with a focus on clarity and simplicity.]


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