Vandals Sabotage Cameras Ahead of ULEZ Expansion; Protests Planned

Anti-ULEZ Vandals Strike Again: Cameras Down, Signs Up!

Hey there, city dwellers and car enthusiasts, guess what? It’s like a scene out of an action movie – cameras knocked over, protest signs covering the place. Yep, the anti-ULEZ (that’s Ultra Low Emission Zone, for the uninitiated) vandals are back in action! And they mean business, or at least mischief.

Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ – you know, that policy where drivers have to cough up £12.50 a day if their cars are deemed ‘dirty’? – is spreading its wings to cover all of London. That’s like a blanket charge over the city, and people aren’t exactly cheering about it. These vandals are taking their dislike to a whole new level, knocking over cameras left and right, and even adding some artsy protest signs for a personal touch.

Cameras Got Pranked – Big Time!

These rebel artists – or vandals, depending on how you see it – are really making a statement. Photos shared on social media show cameras sprawled on the ground, covered in banners shouting “No ULEZ.” It’s like the cameras are having a little nap under their protest banner blankets. One camera even got a powdery makeover from a fire extinguisher. Talk about camera makeover tips!

Rebel Road Trips and Vandal Stats

Word on the street is that drivers fed up with ULEZ are teaming up for some non-compliant road tripping. Imagine a bunch of cars cruising the streets, giving the ULEZ rules a piece of their minds. Meanwhile, in the southeast, almost 90% of cameras have been turned into crash-test dummies by the vandals. It’s like a protest against the metal and silicon overlords.

TfL Says No Turning Back

Transport for London (TfL) is taking this all in stride, like a parent dealing with rebellious teenagers. They’re fixing those camera casualties and saying, “Game on, ULEZ!” Apparently, there are around 1,900 cameras scattered around the city, keeping an electronic eye out for smog creators.

Is Your Car ULEZ-Ready?

If you’re worried your car might not be ULEZ’s cup of clean air, TfL’s got your back with an online checker. But watch out – the website had a bit of a meltdown, with messages saying it’s “busier than usual” and you might have to wait a minute. Patience, folks, patience.

Who’s Paying and Who’s Not?

Alright, time for some car talk. ULEZ is like a judgmental bouncer for cars. Petrol vehicles before 2005 and diesel ones before 2016 are basically getting the stink-eye from ULEZ. But those Euro 6-compliant diesel rides are getting a nod of approval. So, if your car is older than some vintage wines, you might be in for a fee fest.

The Caravan Caper

Just when you thought this ULEZ drama couldn’t get any more interesting, a caravan covered in protest messages parks near Mr. Khan’s place. They’re calling him the “dictator of London” and making fun of his pay-to-pollute scheme. If it were a movie, this would be the part where everyone’s pointing fingers, and there’s a caravan smack in the middle of it all.

Loopholes and Laughable Signs

Wait, there’s more! Turns out, lawyers and experts are joining the party. “Mr. Loophole,” a high-profile lawyer, says those sneaky cameras better have clear signs, or the fines might be as pointless as a screen door on a submarine. And get this, a bunch of councils are refusing to put up those ULEZ signs. It’s like a rebellious council alliance!

The Bottom Line

Despite all the drama, ULEZ is here to stay, cameras or no cameras. TfL’s got its eyes set on cleaner air and less pollution, and they’re charging cars that aren’t on board. So, if your car’s a smog creator, be prepared to pay. And if you’re into van art and protest signs, London’s got you covered – literally.

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