Trial for 3 Washington officers accused of killing a Black man set to begin

Three Tacoma Police Officers to Stand Trial for Black Man’s Death

In March 2020, Manuel Ellis tragically lost his life after an altercation with police officers in Tacoma, Washington. Ellis, a 33-year-old Black man, was subjected to physical force that led to his death, as revealed by witnesses.

Charges and Trial Dates

The officers involved, identified as Christopher Burbank, Matthew Collins, and Timothy Rankine, now face charges related to Ellis’s demise. Christopher Burbank and Matthew Collins are charged with second-degree murder, while Timothy Rankine faces a first-degree manslaughter charge. All three officers have entered not guilty pleas.

Upcoming Trial

Jury selection for their trial is scheduled to commence on Monday. Opening statements are expected to begin on October 2nd in Pierce County Superior Court, Tacoma. This trial will run four days each week until December, marking a significant legal moment.

The Tragic Incident

On the fateful night, Manuel Ellis purchased some items at a convenience store around 11:21 p.m. He then crossed the street and encountered Officers Burbank and Collins, who were sitting in their patrol car. According to the Washington Attorney General’s Office, Burbank and Collins claimed that Ellis attempted to enter a stranger’s car and became aggressive when confronted.

However, witnesses tell a different story. They allege that the officers immediately confronted Ellis, forcefully bringing him to the ground. Shocked bystanders captured the incident on their cell phones, pleading for the officers to stop.

A Disturbing Video

One video, captured by a witness in a nearby car, depicts Officer Burbank lifting Ellis off the ground and slamming him onto the pavement, hitting him in the process. Officer Collins is seen striking Ellis’s head repeatedly, causing him to scream in pain.

Collins then applied pressure to Ellis’s neck, causing him to lose consciousness. The officers continued to restrain Ellis by applying a “hog-tie” position, which involves securing his legs and handcuffs behind his back. A spit-hood was placed over his head. Tragically, Ellis stopped moving after this restraint was applied.

Heartbreaking Words

During this ordeal, Ellis repeatedly cried out, “Can’t breathe, sir. Can’t breathe.” Shockingly, one of the officers responded by telling him to “Shut the (expletive) up, man.”

Cause of Death and Controversy

The Pierce County Medical Examiner determined that Ellis’s cause of death was “hypoxia,” which results from a lack of oxygen due to physical restraint. They classified his death as a homicide.

In contrast, the officers’ legal teams contend that Ellis was resisting arrest, necessitating the use of force. Additionally, experts hired by the officers attributed Ellis’s death to methamphetamine use and underlying heart problems, describing it as an “accident.”

Legal Developments

Initially, the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office handled the investigation. However, when it emerged that sheriff’s personnel were involved in the detention, Governor Jay Inslee ordered the Washington State Patrol to take over the case. Ultimately, the decision to file charges was entrusted to the Washington Attorney General’s Office, which brought charges against the officers on May 27, 2021.

This marked a significant moment, as it was the first time the attorney general’s office had charged a law enforcement officer with murder in the state. It followed the removal of the requirement that prosecutors demonstrate an officer’s malice to charge them with murder, which was enacted through Initiative 940 in 2018.

Justice Sought

Manuel Ellis’s family filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the county and officers. In 2022, the Pierce County Council approved a $4 million settlement, ending the county’s involvement in the case. However, Ellis’s sister, Monet Carter-Mixon, and mother, Marcia Carter, continue their pursuit of justice through a wrongful death lawsuit against the city of Tacoma.

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