Texas alligator sets sights on Girl Scouts swimming in lake, video shows

Girl Scouts Encounter Alligator at Texas Lake

Imagine you’re swimming on a sunny day, having fun with your friends at a serene lake. Suddenly, you spot a massive alligator headed your way! That’s exactly what happened to a group of Girl Scouts in Huntsville, Texas, last weekend.

This hair-raising incident unfolded at Lake Raven, nestled in Huntsville State Park, just 60 miles from Houston. Signs in the area make it clear that alligators call this place home.

A video captured the heart-pounding moment when a hefty alligator, estimated to be over 10 feet long, swam towards the girls. David Siljeg, who recorded the video, managed to capture this extraordinary event.

In the video, you can see one of the adults sprinting to help the children reach safety on the land side of a rope separating them from the water. On a floating platform beyond the rope, a brave young scout jumped into the water to rejoin her group. As she approached the rope, the alligator seemed to briefly disappear underwater, only to get tangled up.

“The gator was definitely aiming for her,” Siljeg shared, “It was like a movie scene, but real.”

Thankfully, none of the children were harmed during this unexpected encounter with the curious alligator.

Noel Garcia, who sprang into action to help the scouts, noted that the alligator was “definitely sneaking.” He also suggested that the rope might have played a crucial role in distracting the alligator from its pursuit.

It’s not the first time such an incident has occurred at Lake Raven. Earlier this summer, another group of swimmers had to be rescued when an alligator swam between them and the shore. Fortunately, in both cases, no injuries were reported.

So, if you ever find yourself at Huntsville State Park, remember to keep an eye out for those “gator warning” signs and stay safe while enjoying the beautiful Lake Raven.

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