St. Louis football coach shot by upset father over son’s playing time

Youth Football Coach Shot in St. Louis Over Playing Time Dispute

In a shocking incident, a youth football coach in St. Louis found himself in a hospital bed, recovering from multiple gunshot wounds. Why, you ask? Well, it appears that an upset father took things to a whole new level when he didn’t agree with how much playing time his son was getting. Yeah, you heard that right.

The Incident

The coach, Shaquille Latimore, aged 30, was shot multiple times while he was at a practice session in Sherman Park. The alleged shooter, a man named Daryl Clemmons, 43, eventually turned himself in to the police. He’s now facing charges of first-degree assault and armed criminal action. No attorney has stepped up to speak for him, and he’s sitting in jail without bond.

Shaquille Latimore’s Condition

Thankfully, there’s some good news amidst all this chaos. Shaquille Latimore is in the hospital after surgery, but he’s reportedly in good spirits. He coaches a youth football team, with most of his players being 7- and 8-year-olds. The whole situation has left his family and the community in shock.

What’s the Motive?

Shaquille Latimore told the police that Clemmons was unhappy with him because he didn’t let his son start in the games. So, what do you do when you’re unhappy with the coach? Apparently, you grab a gun, which is quite obviously not the right way to handle things.

A Senseless Act

SeMiko Latimore, Shaquille’s mother, called the shooting “senseless.” She reminded us that coaches are there to guide and mentor young players, not become victims of violence. The incident left the kids traumatized, as they had to witness their coach being shot. It’s a tough lesson they didn’t need to learn.

Support for the Affected

In the midst of this unfortunate situation, the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis is stepping in to offer counseling to the young players and others who had to witness the shooting. It’s a small step towards healing, but it’s a step in the right direction.

In the end, it’s important to remember that sports are meant to be a source of enjoyment, growth, and learning for our kids. Resorting to violence should never be an option. Let’s hope this incident serves as a reminder that there are better ways to address concerns than taking matters into one’s own hands.

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