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Shameless shoplifters sharing TikTok videos showing children how to steal from stores

Serial Shoplifters Exploit TikTok for Teaching Children Store Theft

A concerning trend has emerged on TikTok, where serial shoplifters are sharing videos that provide step-by-step instructions to children on how to steal from stores. These videos have garnered thousands of views and offer guidance on how to avoid detection by store staff, security personnel, and surveillance cameras.

Some of these videos even identify the easiest stores to target for theft and warn against attempting theft from riskier establishments. Notably, one account proudly claimed to have acquired £220 worth of goods from Boots through their illicit activities.

To evade TikTok’s content filters, these users use alternative terms like “borrowing” instead of “stealing” or “shoplifting.” They further obscure their identities by featuring footage of other individuals in their videos.

Recently, TikTok faced criticism for a viral video that seemingly encouraged a mass shoplifting incident on London’s Oxford Street. This concerning behavior is costing retailers more than £950 million annually. The impact on stores’ safety is evident as well, with Tesco reporting a 33% rise in attacks on their staff within a year. Tesco’s CEO, Ken Murphy, expressed his dismay at the escalating violence.

Tech expert Will Guyatt noted the challenges of moderating such content due to its sheer volume. He likened it to a constant game of “whack-a-mole,” where even if terms like “borrowing” are removed, new alternatives quickly take their place. Guyatt emphasized the need for better collaboration between law enforcement and social networks to address this issue effectively.

TikTok has responded to the situation by removing the flagged videos and asserting their policy against promoting criminal activity. However, the persistence of such content raises questions about the effectiveness of current moderation efforts. As the battle against this troubling trend continues, it’s crucial for social networks, law enforcement, and the public to work together to ensure a safer online environment for all users.


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