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Struggles and Hopes in Caerau: A Tale of Deprivation

When David Burgess ended his long tenure in the coal mine, he expected a brighter future. Instead, he found himself in Caerau, South Wales, facing dampness and poverty. Despite promises of economic improvement, the reality for him and many others has been a life plagued by inadequate housing conditions and financial struggles.

David, a 66-year-old carer for his wife Gill, who suffers from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), has been grappling with persistent dampness in his home for over 45 years. “They still haven’t fixed the problem and I’m wondering if they ever will,” he says, expressing his concern for their well-being.

Though the local council received funds to insulate homes in the area, residents are disappointed by the results. For David, the cladding installed on his house only worsened the dampness issue, as it trapped moisture inside the thick stone walls.

Housing in Caerau has faced significant challenges, leading to a deep-rooted sense of deprivation. A Welsh Government report placed the village as the fifth most deprived area in Wales. With half of the housing rented, primarily social housing, and above-average households with dependent children, the community grapples with high levels of unemployment.

Nigel Thomas, a 46-year-old single parent and plumbing engineer, struggled to find work in the area. He believes that while outside interest in cheap housing might eventually bring prosperity, the lack of proper infrastructure, including transportation, hinders progress.

Steve Tidball, a 53-year-old factory worker, highlights the transportation issue, pointing out the lack of bus services and the challenges this poses for the elderly and disabled. The cancellation of the bus service due to vandalism has left many residents without convenient transportation options.

Gareth Howells, a 69-year-old retired miner, laments the lack of support since the mines closed. Empty homes, deteriorating infrastructure, and safety hazards are prevalent, contributing to a feeling of neglect among the community.

Caerau’s struggles stem from inadequate insulation projects. External insulation, meant to enhance energy efficiency, led to severe damp problems due to incorrect installation. The misuse of funds and lack of proper checks further exacerbated the issue.

Residents like Julie Goodridge have suffered health problems and damage to their homes due to dampness. The poorly executed insulation projects caused distress and financial burdens for many, leaving them to address the problems themselves.

Despite the challenges, a strong community spirit endures in Caerau. Locals congregate in social clubs and pubs, fostering a sense of togetherness. Community efforts, such as street art projects, aim to brighten the town and honor its industrial heritage.

While pockets of deprivation persist, there are signs of hope. Community services, recognition in awards, and investments in sports facilities and employment programs indicate efforts to uplift the area. As Caerau navigates its challenges, its residents continue to hold on to a shared sense of determination and community pride.

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