SeaWorld San Diego owes $12 million in back rent to city, according to lawsuit

San Diego Sues SeaWorld Over $12.2 Million in Back Rent Amid Pandemic Woes

San Diego, CA – The city of San Diego has taken legal action, filing a lawsuit on Thursday, seeking $12.2 million in overdue rent from SeaWorld San Diego. The lawsuit centers on the city-owned waterfront land where the popular theme park operates and stems from the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

City Attorney Mara W. Elliott has filed the lawsuit in the San Diego County Superior Court, alleging a breach of lease. The requested amount includes both interest and penalties.

In response, SeaWorld’s public relations office has remained tight-lipped, stating that they have no comment at this time. They reiterated their desire to find a resolution, emphasizing their long-standing relationship with the city.

SeaWorld’s Lease and Financial Struggles

SeaWorld San Diego leases approximately 190 acres of land from the city. The theme park’s recent annual report highlighted substantial financial setbacks, attributing them to the effects of COVID-19 and government-imposed restrictions. These challenges included temporary closures, limited reopenings, and capacity limitations. Consequently, SeaWorld mentioned that they had been deferring payment of $8.3 million for the year 2020.

The City’s Perspective

Mayor Todd Gloria addressed the issue, noting that the money in question could be crucial for addressing various municipal concerns such as homelessness and road maintenance. He emphasized the importance of SeaWorld fulfilling its financial obligations to the city of San Diego, stating unequivocally, “The bottom line is SeaWorld needs to pay their bills and they need to pay the city of San Diego.”

The lawsuit now sets the stage for a legal battle that will determine the resolution of this financial dispute between the city and SeaWorld San Diego.

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