Seattle man sentenced to prison after bringing Molotov cocktails to a protest at a police union headquarters

Man Sentenced to Over 3 Years for Bringing Molotov Cocktails to Seattle Protest

A suburban Seattle man, Justin Moore, has been handed a hefty prison sentence of 40 months for a dangerous act during a 2020 protest. He pleaded guilty to showing up at a demonstration near the Seattle police union headquarters armed with a dozen Molotov cocktails. We’re here to break it down for you, step by step.

The Incriminating Molotovs

Justin Moore, a Seattle resident, found himself in hot water after he took part in a protest on Labor Day in 2020. What made it extra spicy? He brought along twelve homemade Molotov cocktails. No, it’s not a new cocktail recipe; these are dangerous devices filled with gasoline and lit like a fiery bottle of doom.

The Fiery Discovery

Things took a twist when police got a whiff of gasoline in the air and stumbled upon a box of these fiery concoctions in a parking lot. Not exactly the kind of tailgate party you’d want to attend, right? Court documents revealed that Moore was among four suspects allegedly cooking up a plan to torch the building.

Connecting the Dots

Now, here’s where the investigators played detective. They used surveillance videos from the protest, electronic device data from the crowd, and testimony from witnesses and others supposedly involved in the plot. It’s like piecing together a puzzle, but this puzzle involved a thousand people in harm’s way if things had gone boom!

The Prosecution’s Take

Assistant U.S. Attorney Todd Greenberg for the Western District of Washington didn’t mince words. He called Moore’s actions “extremely dangerous” and said they put over a thousand protesters at risk. Imagine that, a thousand folks potentially caught in the crossfire of exploding Molotov cocktails. Yikes!

Unpacking the Evidence

To seal the deal, investigators checked Moore’s home, finding items that hinted at his fiery interests. It turns out he had stuff consistent with making explosive devices. Not the kind of decor you’d expect in a suburban home, right?

In the end, Moore’s fiery escapade landed him a 40-month sentence behind bars. So, the next time you’re thinking of joining a protest, leave the cocktails at home, and bring a sign instead. It’s safer, and you won’t end up making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

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