Prominent crime patrol leader in NYC Orthodox Jewish community sentenced for grooming, raping teen girl

Prominent Community Leader Sentenced to 17 Years for Rape

Jacob Daskal, a well-known leader in Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison for raping a 15-year-old girl who was under his care. Daskal, aged 64, was regarded as a savior and father figure but used his position to subject the teenager to “nightly rape sessions.” He even mentioned his supposed police protection to coerce her into sexual acts.

Leader of Anti-Crime Group Faces Justice

Jacob Daskal, the founder of a powerful anti-crime group, was sentenced to prison for his crimes. He had a prominent role in the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn, and his actions shocked many.

A Troubled Family Situation

The victim, a 15-year-old girl, had a troubled family situation. Her relatives introduced her to Daskal, seeking help from his anti-crime group. She initially moved in with Daskal and his wife in Brooklyn but was later taken to their summer home in South Fallsburg, New York.

Nightly Abuse

In both locations, Daskal repeatedly sexually abused the teenager in what she described as “nightly rape sessions.” She had once looked up to him as a savior and father figure, but he manipulated her into believing that these acts were in her “best interest.”

Abuse Uncovered

Daskal threatened the victim when she confided in a friend. He mentioned his police connections and stature in the community to intimidate her. At one point, he even asked her to sign a letter claiming the abuse was “therapy.” The abuse was finally revealed when the victim confided in a mentor in 2018, who helped her report it to the authorities.

A Man of Immense Power

The sentencing judge emphasized Daskal’s immense power within his community. Daskal boasted about being the founder of the anti-crime group and the go-to person for community concerns. He also had close ties with the NYPD.

Controversial Anti-Crime Groups

These anti-crime groups, like the one Daskal led, operate in various Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. They serve as a bridge between the community and law enforcement but have faced criticism for alleged vigilantism and discriminatory practices.

Community’s Response

Critics argue that the Orthodox community sometimes fails to address sexual abuse adequately. This case is seen as emblematic of these broader issues.

Judge’s Message

The judge noted that those who turned a blind eye to Daskal’s actions are also morally at fault. He urged the community to take responsibility for their role in the matter.

Supporters and Scuffles

Outside the courtroom, many of Daskal’s supporters expressed disappointment with the sentence. A scuffle even broke out between Daskal’s supporters and an advocate for sexual abuse victims.


Jacob Daskal’s sentencing highlights the importance of accountability, even for those in powerful positions within a community. It also underscores the need for communities to address serious issues like sexual abuse openly and responsibly.

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