Pilot, 65, accused of using plane to stalk woman for 4 years: ‘It’s a nightmare’

Pilot Charged with Threatening Family After Years of Harassment

A pilot found himself in the midst of a legal storm after being charged with threatening a young girl, just days after he was arrested for stalking her mother for over four years using a single-engine Cessna plane. This nightmarish ordeal unfolded in Schuylerville, New York, leaving the affected family living in fear.

Cassie Wilusz, a 42-year-old mother, described the ongoing nightmare as her family endured the relentless torment. She shared her concerns, stating, “All these years he has been winning because nobody would do anything until now.”

Prolonged Aerial Harassment

Michael Arnold, a 65-year-old pilot, is accused of repeatedly flying his Cessna plane low over Wilusz’s residence, causing windows to rattle and the roof to shake. This disturbing saga occurred even as Wilusz’s husband was battling colon cancer, adding to their distress.

“I didn’t know if he’d fly into our home. I didn’t know what he was capable of,” Cassie Wilusz expressed, highlighting the profound fear they experienced.

Frustration with Authorities

Despite numerous complaints to the Federal Aviation Administration and the New York State Police, their pleas for help seemed to fall on deaf ears. Arnold’s relentless harassment continued undeterred.

Threats on Social Media

On a fateful Friday, Saratoga County Sheriff’s deputy Nikki Voegler apprehended Arnold on criminal contempt charges outside a local grocery store. He was linked to a Facebook account he used to threaten Wilusz’s daughter, leaving menacing messages such as, “Change your wicked ways, girl. Karma is a wonderful thing, [your daughter] will be next. You will see them all pass before you.”

Alarming Message on Obituary Page

Using the same fictitious account, he posted a disturbing message on her husband’s obituary page, further escalating the emotional turmoil.

Recent Arrests

Arnold’s troubles deepened when he was apprehended at an airport in Vermont for violating an order of protection by flying over Wilusz’s home. The FBI had notified the Bennington Police Department, who were ready to arrest him upon his arrival at the airport.

Legal Proceedings

Arnold pleaded not guilty to multiple charges in Vermont Superior Court and promptly posted bail in both recent cases. This sinister series of events began in November 2019 when Arnold, a retired Merchant Marine, escalated his actions after Wilusz blocked him on social media.

The Troubling Obsession

His obsession led to flying over Wilusz’s home, capturing intrusive photos of her, and posting them on a community Facebook page. He also lurked near her home, creating a constant sense of surveillance.

Harassment Escalates

In November 2022, Arnold took to the skies in his propeller plane, dropping tomatoes on Wilusz’s and her neighbors’ properties. Authorities finally took action after finding numerous surreptitious photos of the family on his cellphone, leading to his initial arrest for stalking.

A Devastating Loss

While this torment unfolded, Cassie Wilusz’s husband, Dave Wilusz, was battling colon cancer. He offered words of solace to his wife before his passing, assuring her that the ordeal wouldn’t last forever.

He passed away on May 22, leaving Cassie to face the continuous torment. But despite her personal tragedy, she persevered, hoping for justice.

A New Beginning

With the assistance of Deputy Nikki Voegler and the FBI, Cassie Wilusz remains hopeful that this prolonged ordeal will come to an end. She is determined to see justice served, so her daughter doesn’t have to witness such terrifying acts in the future.

Arnold could not be reached for comment at the time of writing.

[Note: In accordance with the request, the article has been rewritten using simpler language and shorter paragraphs, while still maintaining a professional journalistic tone. Emojis have been omitted, and humor has not been included due to the serious nature of the article.]

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