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Our son’s school REFUSED to give him food or drink after glitch left him with no money – he was humiliated

Parents Furious After School Meal Card Glitch Leaves Child Hungry and Thirsty

Humiliation, Hunger, and Thirst: A Troubling School Incident

Imagine your child, Sam, eagerly trying to order a simple pizza slice and some apple juice at school. It’s a scorching day, and a refreshing drink is all he needs to quench his thirst. But then, shockingly, he’s denied the food and drink he so desperately craves. Why? A meal card glitch, they say.

A Frustrating Mix-Up at St. Illtyds Catholic High School

St. Illtyds Catholic High School in Rumney, Cardiff, recently found itself in hot water with parents Ben and Anna. Their 11-year-old son, Sam, faced an embarrassing ordeal when he was refused a meal despite having funds on his meal card. It was a seemingly simple problem that spiraled out of control.

A Glitch Turns Joy into Disappointment

Sam tried to order a pizza slice and apple juice, a modest £3.50 expenditure. But to his dismay, he was turned away. Why? School staff claimed he lacked sufficient funds on his meal card. However, his parents had already transferred around £20 to cover his expenses.

The Outrage and a Disbelief

Ben and Anna couldn’t believe it when they heard the reason for their son’s distress. To add salt to the wound, the school cited that “lots of parents run up significant debts,” implying that Sam was being punished for the actions of others. Fuming with frustration, they learned that Sam should have sought help from another staff member to resolve the situation.

The Glaring Glitch

The school admitted to a “technical issue” affecting several parents’ attempts to top up their children’s meal card funds. This glitch resulted in the £20 showing up as a “parent balance” on Sam’s account, causing confusion.

A Formal Complaint Ignites Action

Furious and determined to rectify this unsettling situation, Ben and Anna formally complained to the school. In their letter, they stated that their son was left feeling “humiliated, hungry, and thirsty in extremely hot weather conditions,” and expressed deep concern over the school’s policy of denying food and drink based on account balances.

A Plea for Compassion

Ben, a debt benefits and housing adviser, called for more support for parents grappling with significant debts related to the meal card system. He stressed the need to use established debt recovery processes rather than using children as pawns to enforce payment.

A School’s Response

The school and local authority issued a joint statement in response to the incident. They acknowledged a technical issue with the ParentPay system and expressed regret over the oversight that left Sam without a meal. The school has initiated an investigation to prevent such incidents in the future, while the local authority is in contact with ParentPay to address the system malfunction.

An Apology for the Upset

In conclusion, the school and local authority sincerely apologized to Sam and his family for the distress caused by this unfortunate incident. A lesson learned, they now strive to ensure that no child faces humiliation, hunger, or thirst due to such glitches in the future.


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