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NASA appoints first UFO research director – but ‘no evidence’ any sightings have been alien in origin | Science & Tech News

NASA Appoints First Director for UFO Research

NASA, the renowned space agency, is diving headfirst into the world of UFOs. They’ve just appointed their very first director of UFO research, all thanks to a recommendation from an independent scientific panel. This panel strongly believes that NASA should have a bigger role in spotting these unidentified flying objects.

This exciting move comes right on the heels of a 33-page report, packed with suggestions on how NASA can help the US government understand these mysterious phenomena better.

Let’s make one thing clear, though – this panel of 16 experts doesn’t think these UFOs are necessarily aliens from outer space. They stress that there’s “no reason to conclude” that these sightings are extraterrestrial. However, they do point out something important – these mysterious flying objects are a real and undeniable threat to American airspace.

NASA is also trying to change the way we talk about these objects. They want to call them UAPs instead of UFOs, which stands for Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. This rebranding is an attempt to move away from the sci-fi connotations and keep things serious.

In the past, some UFO sightings turned out to be drones, and others were just satellites cruising through the sky.

This report follows NASA’s decision over a year ago to put together a team of scientists who are dedicated to investigating UFO sightings. They held their first public meeting in May and reported that while more sightings are being reported, very few of them can be called truly mysterious.

Still, the idea of aliens visiting us keeps making headlines, especially after a recent Congressional hearing on the subject. During the hearing, a former US intelligence official even claimed that they’ve found “non-human biologics” at crash sites and covered it up.

Stay tuned for updates on this breaking news story. We’ll keep you posted with more details soon.

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