MP Nadine Dorries Resigns, Accuses Rishi Sunak of Endangering Safety

Rishi Sunak Faces By-Election Test After Nadine Dorries Resigns

Hold onto your hats, folks! It’s the political drama of the season. Brace yourself for some classic Westminster showdown. Rishi Sunak is about to take the hot seat for a by-election challenge, all thanks to Nadine Dorries who just dropped a resignation bombshell from her Commons gig. And oh boy, she’s not pulling any punches!

In an exclusive tête-à-tête with The Mail on Sunday, Nadine, the former Cabinet Minister, takes a swipe at Mr. Sunak. She’s throwing around some heavy accusations like confetti at a wedding. She’s accusing him of ditching Tory principles and playing loose with responsibility. She even hints that she’s felt a bit unsafe due to what she calls his ‘public frenzy’ stuff. And guess what? The police even paid her a visit to give her a heads-up about her personal security. Not your usual tea party, huh?

Turns out, Nadine had been eying the exit door for a while now. She’d been chatting with the bigwigs since 2022, but the timing wasn’t just right. She finally walked the plank on June 9, but then, whoops, hit the brakes to investigate if Sunak had his mitts in her House of Lords nomination. Gotta love that suspense, right?

The plot thickens. Nadine claims she’s got a juicy document that would give us all a VIP pass to the saga, but it’s been stamped ‘ultra-classified,’ so no peeking allowed.

Hold onto your political popcorn, because this means a by-election fiesta is coming to her constituency. If Labour snatches the seat’s comfy 24,664 cushion, it’ll be like a game-changing home run in by-election history.

The latest poll scene? Labour sippin’ on 28% juice, while the Conservative caravan trails at 24 points. That’s a jaw-dropping 36-point dip since the last General Election. Ouch, that’s gotta sting.

Nadine’s resignation letter is the real MVP. She’s got some dirt on Mr. Sunak and pals that she’s itching to share in her upcoming book. But shh, it’s super classified. Her beef? She’s saying the Tories are playing Monopoly with the wrong rules. The manifesto she stood by? Poof! Gone with the wind.

Oh, and she’s not pulling any punches about the big cheese, Boris Johnson. She’s waving the flag for the working-class Conservatives, saying they’re the heart of the party. She’s looking back to the Thatcher era like she’s watching a rerun. Levelling up? She’s pointing a finger at the exit. Brexit gains? She’s not seeing the fireworks. The tax game? Feels like a war tax from way back.

Here’s the deal. Nadine’s exit means it’s party time with a by-election bash. And she’s all like, “Festus Akinbusoye, you better win this for me!” She’s practically passing the baton to her fellow Tory and crossing her fingers.

You’ve got to give it to her – Nadine’s not mincing words. She’s telling Sunak that his political game is like a sinking ship with no lifeboats. She’s painting a picture of a Tory ship adrift, leaving folks scratching their heads.

So, what’s next? Strap in for a fiery by-election showdown and stay tuned for more drama straight from the political catwalk. This ain’t no ordinary exit – it’s the grand finale of a political rollercoaster that’s just getting started. 🎢

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