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Judge’s Decision Shocks Crime-Fighting Mom in Bike Thief Campaign

Crime-Fighting Mom Advocates for Justice

A determined mother in the United Kingdom has expressed her frustration at what she perceives as a lenient punishment for a notorious bike thief. Fiona Bateman, a resident of Witney, Oxfordshire, made headlines in 2021 for her relentless efforts to bring a prolific bike thief to justice.

The story began when her neighbor’s security camera captured footage of a suspect stealing her son Graeme’s mountain bike from their garage. Bateman, undeterred by the initial inaction of the local police, took matters into her own hands.

A DIY Approach to Justice

“I found it incredibly frustrating that even though we gave the police video evidence clearly showing Dave cycling into our shared carport in November 2021, using bolt cutters to cut the lock on Graeme’s bike and leaving on his bike with Graeme’s in one hand, the police were unable to do anything,” Bateman told us.

With no official support, she devised a simple but effective tactic: protesting outside the alleged thief’s home. Armed with a sign that asked the straightforward question, “Where’s my bike, Dave?” Bateman staged a peaceful sit-in outside the suspect’s residence.

Support from the Community

Although her husband expressed concerns for her safety and called the police, they advised Bateman not to obstruct the suspect or engage in confrontations. Undeterred, she maintained her peaceful protest for three days. Local support poured in, with neighbors even providing her with hot chocolate and flowers.

The Unexpected Consequences

While she did not recover her son’s stolen bike, Bateman’s actions had a ripple effect. Other victims of bike theft came forward, leading to police interviews and, ultimately, a court appearance for the alleged thief, David Seagar. However, Graeme’s bike was notably absent from the list of charges against Seagar.

Police Response

Thames Valley Police responded to the situation by stating that they take all reports of cycle theft seriously and will investigate when such reports are made. They encouraged anyone with further information to come forward and provided information about security bike marking events and bike safety tips on their website.

The Outcome

David Seagar, accused of stealing at least eight bikes in Witney in 2021, received a sentence of two years’ imprisonment, suspended for two years. In addition, he was ordered to complete a drug rehab program and “thinking skills” courses, with the condition that he stay out of legal trouble for the next two years.

Fiona Bateman remains unsatisfied with this outcome, believing that minor crimes should be taken more seriously, despite the challenges facing the police force.

As she continues to work toward justice and consider the future of her son’s transportation, one question remains: “Where’s my bike, Dave?”


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