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Indiana woman allegedly hides drugs in private parts, fakes heart attack when police grow suspicious

Indiana Woman Arrested for Concealing Drugs During Fake Heart Attack Incident

In a peculiar turn of events, an Indiana woman has found herself in handcuffs after allegedly feigning a heart attack and attempting to hide a substantial stash of illegal drugs in her private area.

The incident unfolded when Wayne County Sheriff’s Department deputies, namely Deputy Ryan Riggs, Deputy Aaron Crawford, and Deputy Matt Wright, conducted a traffic stop on 41-year-old Amanda Smith on Monday, September 4.

Suspicion of drug-related activity arose during the investigation, leading to the involvement of K9 Copper, a narcotics detection dog, who alerted the officers to the possible presence of illicit substances.

Court documents, as reported by FOX 59 Indianapolis, revealed that Smith resorted to a peculiar tactic. She promptly simulated a heart attack and refused Richmond EMS’s electronic tests or any evaluation of her condition.

Law enforcement subsequently transported Smith to a local hospital, where she continued to decline medical care and remained fully clothed. However, suspicion lingered that Smith was attempting to conceal drugs on her person while plotting how to dispose of the evidence.

In a shocking twist, the 41-year-old suspect eventually admitted to concealing drugs within her private area. Court documents detail the discovery of a plastic sandwich bag in a location not meant for storage.

Further examination through a body scan at Wayne County Jail revealed abnormalities in her pelvic region, further corroborating the suspicion.

Even so, Smith persisted in her denial until she ultimately relinquished an “avocado-size plastic sandwich bag.” The contents of this bag were quite staggering, with 38.9 grams of methamphetamine, 10.4 grams of crack cocaine, and 9.2 grams of fentanyl.

Additional illicit substances were uncovered within Smith’s vehicle, including Gabapentin, Naloxone, and buprenorphine, as outlined in court documents. Notably, a notebook discovered in her car contained incriminating information, listing names, drug weights, dollar amounts, and drug types.

In light of these discoveries, Amanda Smith was promptly arrested and slapped with multiple charges, including dealing methamphetamine, a Level 2 felony; dealing in a narcotic drug, a Level 2 felony; dealing in cocaine, a Level 3 felony, and dealing in a controlled substance, a Level 6 felony.

This unusual encounter serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of law enforcement encounters and the creative tactics some individuals employ in their attempts to avoid justice.


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