Indian police raid news website over alleged China ties, sparking concerns for press freedom

Indian Police Raid News Website Accused of Chinese Funding

Indian police recently conducted raids on the offices of a news website under investigation for allegedly receiving financial support from China. They also searched the homes of several journalists associated with the outlet, leading to criticism from those who view it as an attack on one of India’s few remaining independent news organizations.

The investigation against NewsClick began in August after a New York Times report alleged that the website had received funding from an American individual who, according to the Times, supported the dissemination of “Chinese propaganda.”

This incident is not isolated, as Indian authorities previously searched the BBC’s New Delhi and Mumbai offices over accusations of tax evasion in February.

NewsClick, established in 2009, is known for its willingness to criticize Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Several other news organizations have faced financial scrutiny under Modi’s government, and international monitors have expressed concerns about eroding press freedom in India.

On August 17, Indian authorities filed a case against NewsClick and its journalists under a broad anti-terrorism law that allows charges for “anti-national activities.” This law has been used against activists, journalists, and critics of Modi, some of whom have spent years in jail before going to trial. However, no one has been arrested in connection with NewsClick thus far.

Two people, including NewsClick’s editor-in-chief, were detained during the raids, and police seized boxes of documents. At least two journalists reported that their devices were confiscated.

While Delhi police did not immediately comment on the situation, India’s junior minister for information and broadcasting, Anurag Thakur, stated that “if anyone has committed anything wrong, search agencies are free to carry out investigations against them.”

In August, Thakur accused NewsClick of promoting an “anti-India agenda,” citing the New York Times, and of collaborating with the opposition Indian National Congress party. Both NewsClick and the Congress party denied these allegations.

Reporters Without Borders, an advocacy group for journalists, ranked India 161st in its press freedom rankings this year, describing the situation as deteriorating from “problematic” to “very bad.” The Press Club of India expressed deep concern about the multiple raids and stood in solidarity with the journalists, demanding more information from the government.

Tensions between India and China have persisted since 2020 when clashes between their militaries in a disputed border area resulted in casualties. India subsequently banned numerous Chinese-owned apps and initiated tax probes into some Chinese mobile phone companies. The Modi administration also introduced rules requiring government approval for investments from neighboring countries, including China.

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