Illinois high school student arrested for bringing airsoft gun to campus

Student Arrested for Bringing Airsoft Gun to High School

In Lincolnshire, Illinois, a student found themselves in hot water recently. The reason? They allegedly brought an airsoft gun to their high school. That’s a big no-no, and here’s what happened.

What Went Down?

One day, at Stevenson High School, a report reached the School Resource Officers. Someone had claimed that a student had a real-deal handgun inside the school. Yikes, right? But before you panic, let’s see how things played out.

The Response

Quickly, the School Resource Officers sprang into action. They were on a mission to find out what was going on. Village officials informed Fox 32 about all this drama.

Noon Showdown

Around noon that same day, the Stevenson High School student found themselves in a sticky situation. They were taken into custody. It’s not the lunch break they had in mind, for sure.

The Capture

The good news is, the officers managed to find the suspect thanks to a witness’s description. It’s like something out of a detective story. Spoiler: it wasn’t a real handgun.

Not the Real Deal

When they apprehended the student, they discovered it wasn’t a dangerous firearm after all. It was an airsoft gun. Phew! But still, you can’t bring that to school.

Legal Consequences

So, what happens next? The student faced the music. They were arrested and hit with two counts of disorderly conduct. Then, they were handed over to a guardian. Not the best day for a field trip, huh?

No Threats

Luckily, there’s a silver lining here. There were no reports of threats made against the school’s students, teachers, or staff. So, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.

In the end, it’s a reminder that school is for learning, not for bringing toys that look like the real deal. Stay safe, everyone! 🚫🔫

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