I made millions selling my art with one piece going for £70k but lost it all… I ended up broke and homeless

From Riches to Homelessness: The Journey of Artist Kevin Sharkey

Imagine going from a life of luxury to facing homelessness. That’s exactly what happened to Kevin Sharkey, a man who once made millions selling his artwork but ended up broke and without a place to call home.

Kevin Sharkey, now 62, discovered his passion for painting at the young age of 12, a passion that would eventually lead him to become one of Ireland’s most successful artists. But his journey to success was far from smooth.

In his earlier years, Kevin held various jobs, ranging from cooking and cleaning to even trying his hand at television presenting and music writing. It wasn’t until he was 38 that he decided to take up painting professionally, a decision that ultimately brought him immense wealth through art sales.

However, Kevin’s fortune was short-lived. He confessed to The Telegraph that he squandered his millions and found himself drowning in debt and homelessness. “Listen, I made four and a half million,” he said. “I spent five and ended up broke and homeless. I remember sitting in a homeless shelter thinking how did I end up here?”

Despite hitting rock bottom, Kevin’s story took a surprising turn. Driven by determination and the lessons he learned, he worked tirelessly to rebuild his fortune. “I haven’t stopped working since that day to make sure it never happens again,” he shared. “So I know what it’s like not to be able to afford a cup of coffee or to have holes in your shoes.”

Through hard work and resilience, Kevin managed to rise again. He sold thousands more paintings, some fetching impressive sums, like one that sold for €82,000 (£70,254). His artwork found its way into the hands of well-known figures like Bob Geldof, Kate Moss, and Courtney Love.

Kevin’s experience of hitting rock bottom transformed him from a spender to a saver. He realized the importance of setting priorities straight and growing up a bit. “I’m a better saver now than I ever was,” he said.

Apart from his successful art career, Kevin also ventured into other lucrative endeavors. He designed a rack to store CDs, which ended up earning him a substantial sum. He even worked as a songwriter and made appearances in the entertainment industry.

Though he faced setbacks and made some bad investments along the way, Kevin’s passion for painting remains strong. He resides in Dublin with his dogs and a magpie, still creating art and running his gallery. Despite his rollercoaster journey, Kevin’s love for painting is unwavering, and he hopes to continue this passion until the end.

From riches to homelessness and back, Kevin Sharkey’s story is one of resilience, hard work, and a profound appreciation for the joy that art brings.


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