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I bought a privacy fence to protect my kids… I’ve been told to tear it down due to my neighbours – the reason’s a joke

Dad’s Fence Dilemma: Neighbors Divided Over Six-Foot Barrier

Imagine buying a six-foot tall fence to shield your kids from glaring car headlights, only to find yourself in a neighborhood showdown. Well, that’s precisely what’s happening to Jamie Risk, a dad from Southampton.

Jamie decided to put up this substantial wooden fence to grant his family some much-needed privacy and security. It was all about ensuring that the lights from passing cars didn’t wake up his children. Who can blame him, right?

Fence Debate

Now, the neighborhood is buzzing with opinions. Some neighbors are firmly on Jamie’s side. They argue that the fence is a blessing, especially since there’s a new baby on the way. They believe it shields the family from prying eyes and allows them to lead a life with their curtains open sometimes.

However, not everyone is thrilled. Some folks find the fence rather unsightly, even calling it “awful” and “unreasonable.” Their gripe? It messes with the street’s “aesthetics” and views.

Council’s Take

The Southampton City Council planners have weighed in, too. They’re leaning towards rejecting Jamie’s planning application. According to them, the fence just doesn’t fit with the open, front-garden style of the neighborhood. They’re worried that it harms the neighborhood’s character.

In their words, “The proposal therefore results in harm to the character of the area. Any benefits to the applicant in terms of any perceived privacy benefits would not outweigh the harm identified above.”

Neighborhood Unity

Despite the controversy, some neighbors are rallying behind Jamie and his family. They argue that the fence has brought a much-needed upgrade to the property, which had been a bit of an eyesore before. Plus, it protects the kids from those annoying headlights and offers a sense of security during the day.

One neighbor said, “I strongly feel that this fence is a much-needed addition not only for privacy but for security too.”

The Decision

The fate of Jamie’s fence will be decided on Tuesday. It’s a dilemma that highlights the delicate balance between personal privacy and neighborhood aesthetics. Stay tuned to see whether the fence stays or goes. 🏡🔨

[Image: A wooden fence in question]
Southampton council are making a final decision about the privacy fence on Tuesday. (Image: Solent)


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