High school principals made meme of student’s breast using security cam footage: lawsuit

Delaware High School Principals Accused of Creating Offensive Meme with Student’s Image

A lawsuit recently filed in Delaware State Court alleges that two principals at a Delaware high school used a security camera image of a student’s breast to create a meme, which they then shared with other staff members. The incident has left former Sussex Central High School student Aniya Harmon deeply upset and disappointed.

The Lawsuit and Its Allegations

According to the lawsuit, Aniya Harmon was involved in a May incident at the school where she witnessed two students arguing in the hallway. When she confronted one of the students involved, she was attacked, resulting in her clothes coming apart and exposing one of her breasts. A school employee intervened and pulled her away from the altercation.

The Creation and Sharing of the Offensive Meme

The lawsuit claims that the two school administrators, Principal Bradley Layfield and Assistant Principal Matthew Jones, shared the security camera footage with other staff members without blurring the student’s breast. They used this footage to create a meme that replaced the student’s face with that of Janet Jackson, referencing the 2004 Super Bowl incident involving Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction.

The Lawsuit’s Allegations and Consequences

The lawsuit, filed by Harmon’s attorney Emeka Igwe, alleges invasion of privacy, civil conspiracy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. At least six other people reportedly had access to the image of the student’s breast. The incident quickly gained notoriety within the community, leading to repercussions for the administrators involved.

School District Response and Legal Challenges

Sussex Central High School referred inquiries to the Indian River School District, which declined to comment on the ongoing litigation. Both the school and the district are named in the lawsuit. Neither Matthew Jones nor Bradley Layfield immediately responded to requests for comment.

Layfield’s attorney, Thomas S. Neuberger, denied Layfield’s involvement in creating the meme and suggested that it was solely Jones who created the image without Layfield’s knowledge. Neuberger described the lawsuit as an attempt to obtain money from the school district and emphasized Layfield’s clean reputation.

Ongoing Investigations

Bradley Layfield has been unable to return to work due to an investigation by the Delaware Department of Education, which may result in the revocation of his teaching license. The Delaware State Police are also conducting an investigation in collaboration with the Delaware Department of Justice, though specifics of the investigation remain undisclosed.

Harmon’s Continuing Struggle

Despite graduating from the school and beginning college, Aniya Harmon and her family still grapple with the emotional impact of the incident. Harmon’s family is hoping for criminal charges to be brought in the case and aims to deter other administrators from being involved in similar incidents.


The alleged creation and sharing of an offensive meme using a student’s image by school administrators have prompted a legal battle and investigations, leaving a former student and her family deeply affected. The lawsuit seeks accountability and justice for the privacy violation and emotional distress caused by the incident.

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