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Giraffe smashes Texas family’s car windshield at wildlife park: ‘Glass shot everywhere’

Giraffe Surprise at Texas Wildlife Park

A Texas family had an unexpected encounter at a wildlife park when a giraffe they were feeding had a mishap. The incident occurred at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas. Kari Hill, along with her two teenage sons and 1-year-old granddaughter, were in their car, feeding the giraffe through the sunroof.

Everything was going great until the giraffe lost its footing and fell right onto their car’s windshield. It happened so suddenly, like a slow-motion movie. The windshield started caving in, and the giraffe was flailing about. Glass went everywhere, covering them. Kari tried not to panic, all while figuring out how to escape the giraffe and shattered glass. Fortunately, the giraffe got back on its feet and hurried away.

Kari and her family were a bit shaken but unhurt, aside from being covered in glass. They called the park’s emergency number for help. Fossil Rim offered them a free lunch, but Kari had to cover the car repair expenses herself.

This unexpected twist turned a lovely family day into a costly car repair and a dose of PTSD. Luckily, it didn’t turn into a tragedy – just a costly inconvenience.

The towing company couldn’t help but chuckle a bit when they heard the story, but they remained professional. Thankfully, nobody, not even the giraffe, got hurt during this wild incident.

According to the Fossil Rim spokesperson, this was the first time such a thing happened in the 11 years they’ve been around. The park does have guided tours so that visitors can enjoy the wildlife without having to drive their own cars. But before going in, everyone has to sign a waiver, stating that the park isn’t responsible for any damage.

So, remember, when feeding a giraffe through your sunroof, things can get a bit wild – and costly!


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