Formerly missing Washington teen pleads guilty to killing mom’s ex-lover

Teenagers Plead Guilty to Murder of Mother’s Ex-Lover in Washington

In a recent development in Washington state, a teenager has admitted to the murder of his mother’s former partner. Gabriel Davies, along with his accomplice Justin Yoon, both 17 years old, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder charges in Pierce County. This plea agreement led to the dropping of other charges related to burglary and unlawful gun possession.

Around a year ago, authorities in Pierce County arrested Davies and Yoon, who were 16 at the time, in connection with the killing of 51-year-old Dan McCaw. McCaw had previously been involved in a relationship with Davies’ mother.

The tragic discovery came about when authorities initiated a welfare check at McCaw’s residence on September 1, 2022. McCaw had failed to show up for several work shifts, raising suspicions.

Deputies detected a strong odor of decay, a curious German shepherd entering and exiting the house through a doggy door, and an unsecured door on the east side of the residence leading to a laundry room. Upon partial entry into the room, they spotted potential blood spatter on the washing machine or dryer, just inside the door. Upon further investigation, they found McCaw’s lifeless body on the floor, surrounded by a significant amount of blood.

Initially, investigators suspected suicide due to the absence of signs of forced entry. However, further examination revealed that McCaw had been both shot and stabbed. Detectives located shell casings, an empty rifle magazine, and ammunition on the floor.

A day before investigators found the deceased victim, Davies had gone missing under “suspicious circumstances.” He had left home for football practice but never arrived. Deputies eventually found him walking on a road without a shirt or socks, three miles from his abandoned, damaged vehicle in Thurston County.

Davies initially claimed memory loss about his disappearance but later expressed fear of retaliation if he disclosed what had transpired.

Yoon’s father subsequently approached investigators, claiming to possess information about a crime involving Davies. Both Davies and Yoon were identified as suspects in McCaw’s murder.

Surveillance footage recovered from McCaw’s house showed Yoon and Davies sneaking in through the doggy door on the night of the murder, carrying what appeared to be a handgun and pepper spray.

On September 2, 2022, a day after McCaw’s body was found, Davies’ father contacted authorities, confirming his son’s involvement. He revealed that McCaw’s associates had coerced Davies into stealing something from the victim’s residence and threatened harm if he refused. A plan was hatched with Yoon’s assistance to retrieve the item from a safe in McCaw’s home.

Search warrants for the homes of Davies and Yoon were obtained, leading to their arrest without incident. Investigators also discovered two stolen guns from the victim’s home, a collection of throwing knives, and other weapons.

Both teenagers are currently in custody without bail and await their sentencing hearings on November 3. They could each face up to 18 years in prison.

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