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Former police officers sentenced for stealing thousands of dollars from drivers during traffic stops

Former Police Officers in East Cleveland Sentenced for Stealing from Motorists

Two former police officers in East Cleveland, Ohio, are facing prison sentences after being found guilty of stealing money and items from unsuspecting motorists during traffic stops. The officers, Willie Sims, aged 32, and Alfonzo Cole, aged 35, have been sentenced this week for their actions.

The Prosecution’s Case
The Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office revealed that the officers had stolen a total of $14,781 in cash, along with two firearms and marijuana edibles from six victims between July 2020 and July 2021. Both officers pleaded guilty to four counts of felony robbery and one count of felony theft in office. Additionally, Cole faced charges of having weapons under disability and carrying concealed weapons for stealing firearms from two separate drivers in June and July 2021.

On Monday, Cole was sentenced to two and a half years in prison, while Sims received a two-year prison sentence on Thursday.

The Turning Point
The officers were finally apprehended after they stole $4,000 from a 21-year-old motorist on his way to pay for his mother’s funeral services on July 9, 2021. The victim promptly reported the incident by driving straight to the police station where he worked and filed a complaint. Later that day, department supervisors pulled Cole over and recovered $1,200 and marijuana edibles.

Long-Standing Issue
One victim, Jonathan Whitlow, highlighted that this issue had been ongoing in East Cleveland for over 20 years, with no action taken. Whitlow himself had been robbed by Sims twice, amounting to a total loss of $2,081. The first encounter occurred when Sims pulled him over, initially citing conflicting reasons for the stop, before settling on a window tint violation. Whitlow didn’t report the theft the first time because he had marijuana in the car that the officer didn’t discover. However, during the second incident, Whitlow recorded the officer stealing four marijuana gummies.

Whitlow expressed reluctance about sending Sims to prison, questioning how he would repay his debts while earning only 3 cents an hour. He argued that Sims was a thief but hadn’t harmed anyone.

Repayment and Fines
Both officers were fined $40,000 and ordered to repay their victims. Cole was required to pay $4,580 to three victims, while Sims must repay $6,931 to his victims. It remains unclear whether this amount includes the fine for a traffic ticket Cole issued to one victim, from whom he stole $850 and approximately $400 worth of marijuana in September 2021.

Judge’s Perspective
Judge Timothy McGinty acknowledged Whitlow’s desire for repayment and noted that Whitlow, with several prior convictions, respected the officer’s authority during the expensive traffic stops, unaware that it was the officer who was robbing him.

Lack of Remorse
Sims apologized to his friends and family in court but did not express remorse to his victims. Allegedly, he told the court’s probation department that he held no remorse for his actions because he was pocketing drug dealers’ money, claiming that he learned this practice from older officers on the force.

Irony in the Incidents
Sims had previously been pulled over for a tinted window violation and was cited for improperly handling a gun in his car. More than a dozen former and current East Cleveland police officers have faced charges amid a broader investigation into department corruption.

The arrests also include former Police Chief Scott Gardner, who denies charges of fraud, theft, money laundering, and tampering with records.

The case highlights the importance of maintaining trust and integrity within law enforcement agencies to protect the rights and safety of citizens.


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