
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy faces preliminary charges in Libya campaign financing scandal

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Faces Preliminary Charges in Libya Financing Case

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy is now under preliminary charges, as investigative judges suspect he attempted to manipulate magistrates to clear his name in a case related to alleged illegal financing from Libya for his 2007 presidential campaign.

Serious Accusations

French investigative judges filed preliminary charges against Sarkozy, alleging that he was involved in an attempt to mislead magistrates with the goal of exonerating himself in a case linked to suspected illegal funding from Libya for his 2007 presidential campaign.

The preliminary charges include accusations of “benefitting from corruptly influencing a witness” and “participating in a criminal association” to “mislead the magistrates overseeing the judicial investigation into suspicions of Libyan financing for his election campaign,” according to a statement from the financial prosecutors’ office.

Sarkozy has vehemently denied any wrongdoing, with his lawyers stating that he is “determined to assert his rights, establish the truth, and defend his honor.”

Preliminary Charges Explained

In France, preliminary charges indicate that there are grounds to suspect the commission of a crime. However, it allows magistrates more time to investigate before deciding whether to proceed to a trial.

Allegations in the Libya Case

Sarkozy, along with 12 others, is set to face trial in early 2025, accused of receiving millions in illegal financing for his 2007 presidential campaign from the government of late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi.

The investigation into Sarkozy’s involvement in the Libya case began in 2013 and involves charges of illegal campaign financing, embezzlement, passive corruption, and related offenses.

Troubling Accusations

Investigators probed allegations that Gadhafi’s government secretly provided Sarkozy with 50 million euros to support his successful 2007 campaign. This amount far exceeded the legal campaign funding limit at the time and violated French regulations against foreign campaign financing.

The case gained traction when French-Lebanese businessman Ziad Takieddine claimed in 2016 that he had delivered suitcases containing $6.2 million in cash from Libya to Sarkozy and his former chief of staff. Takieddine later reversed his statement, and Sarkozy attempted to have the investigation closed.

A Complicated Relationship

Notably, after becoming president in 2007, Sarkozy extended a warm welcome to Gadhafi in France later that year. Subsequently, he positioned France at the forefront of NATO-led airstrikes that aided rebel forces in toppling Gadhafi’s government in 2011.

Previous Legal Troubles

In a separate case, Sarkozy was sentenced to a year of house arrest for illegal campaign financing during his unsuccessful 2012 reelection bid. He is currently free pending an appeal.

Furthermore, Sarkozy was found guilty of corruption and influence peddling in another case, receiving a one-year house arrest sentence in an appeals trial earlier this year. However, he took the case to France’s highest court, which suspended the sentence.