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Florida teen dead from lightning strike on hunting trip with dad

Florida Teen Struck by Lightning While Hunting, Tragically Passes Away

In a heart-wrenching incident in Palatka, Florida, a 16-year-old girl and her father fell victim to a lightning strike while out hunting. Tragically, the young girl lost her life, and her father sustained injuries in the ordeal.

The event unfolded when Baylee Holbrook and her father were pursuing their hunting activities. Lightning struck a nearby tree, leading to a catastrophic turn of events, as reported by FOX 35.

Following the lightning strike, Baylee’s father lost consciousness. When he regained awareness, he was met with the distressing sight of his daughter, who had stopped breathing. Immediate action was taken, and she was swiftly transported to a local hospital. Her initial stabilization allowed her to be transferred to a trauma center, albeit in critical condition.

The Putnam County Sheriff’s Office provided the unfortunate update that Baylee Holbrook passed away the following morning. She was surrounded by her grieving family during her final moments.

Dylan Holbrook, her cousin, shared that the two shared an incredibly close bond. “It was like a brother-sister relationship. We always hunt, fish, all kinds of stuff like that,” Dylan expressed, illustrating the depth of their connection.

People who knew Baylee Holbrook described her as someone with deep faith, a love for Jesus, and a kind heart. Her friend Cartaveon Valentine spoke of her attempts to encourage others to join her in attending church. “Telling me ‘Hey, Tay, you should come to church. Pastor Willie’s church, you would really like it.’ I gave it a try, I went last Sunday. I really like it,” Valentine shared.

In the face of this tragic incident, the community mourns the loss of a young life with a promising future.


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