Family of teen fatally shot by Chattanooga police demands release of unedited bodycam footage

Family of Teenager Shot by Chattanooga Police Demands Transparency

Relatives of a 17-year-old boy, David Mendez Lopez, who tragically lost his life at the hands of Chattanooga police, are urging the release of unaltered bodycam and dashboard footage. The family, represented by Concerned Citizens for Justice and Semillas TN, asserts that Lopez was unarmed, holding a cell phone, not a gun when he was fatally shot on September 3. This plea for transparency in the case was reported by the Chattanooga Times Free Press.

In addition to unedited video recordings, the family is also seeking access to other critical information, including video footage from a police robot, Lopez’s autopsy report, the audio recording of the 911 call, police affidavits, and the identities of the superior officers involved in the police response. It’s worth noting that the newspaper has likewise submitted similar requests for this essential documentation.

The tragic incident occurred when officers were called to respond to a domestic dispute at the Lopez family’s residence. Subsequently, the family members were evacuated from their home, and a SWAT team was summoned to engage with David Mendez Lopez, according to a statement released by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

Chattanooga police contend that Lopez was armed and allegedly pointed a gun at officers on two occasions during the encounter. They claim that he did not comply with their commands and was shot when he emerged from a rear exit, with officers believing he was brandishing a firearm, as per the department’s official statement.

According to the family’s statement, Lopez’s father had contacted the police because he suspected his son was undergoing a mental health crisis following an altercation with his girlfriend. The family firmly believes that the situation could have been better handled by involving a mental health counselor or behavioral specialist to de-escalate the circumstances.

As a result of their involvement in the shooting, four officers have been placed on routine administrative leave by the Chattanooga Police Department, as stated in their official communication. The incident has raised concerns about the use of force and the need for transparency in such cases, echoing the broader national conversation on police accountability.

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