Eco-Zealots Enlist Kids: Stop Oil Recruits 11-Year-Olds for Daring School 🌍

Stop Oil’s Sneaky School Scheme: Eco-Zealots and Tiny Activists Unite!

Brought to You by Miriam Kuepper

Updated: 12:16 EDT, 27 August 2023

Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up your eco-conscious seatbelts because it seems the relentless energy of Just Stop Oil (JSO) knows no bounds! They’re diving headfirst into a peculiar plot, aiming to reel in youngsters as tender as 11 years old into their eco-zealotry circus, right there at school assemblies. It’s like a bizarro-world circus with oil-hating clowns and climate-fighting acrobats, but hold your horses, there’s more!

Picture this: the eco-zealots, fueled by their fervor to save the planet from its own murky demise, are unleashing their grandest action to date, and it’s taking place right where innocence and learning are supposed to flourish – schools. But hey, every hero has their critics, and these well-intentioned but eyebrow-raising enthusiasts are no different. Some folks are calling foul, accusing JSO of tugging the strings of these young minds for their radical agenda. Exploitation, they cry!

Now, listen up, because the story takes an even weirder twist. In a secret JSO chat that found its way to the prying eyes of The Sun, a message floated around, asking if anyone knew secondary school students with a “serious about climate action” gleam in their eye. They’re not just asking for these little green warriors, they’re practically assembling an army of pint-sized eco-revolutionaries. But that’s not all – they’re also on the hunt for parents, teachers, and yes, even scientists. It’s like they’re building a team for the next Avengers movie, except instead of saving the universe, they’re saving Mother Earth.

But not everyone’s riding this groovy wave. A parent, who stumbled upon these messages, had this to say: “Just Stop Oil, meet Child Exploitation. It’s like they’re trying to launch a new twisted reality show.” Even Tory MP Nigel Mills is chiming in, saying schools need to put on their “serious adult” pants and quell these potential protests. Can’t blame them for wanting to avoid a mini-rebellion during math class.

Remember, this isn’t JSO’s first rodeo. They’ve been turning sports events into eco-circuses and playing roadblocks on London streets like it’s the hottest new game. And hold onto your solar hats, because recently, they marched through Leeds streets and pulled a human wall stunt on the M621. Yep, they’re no couch potatoes, these eco-zealots.

Of course, MailOnline tried ringing up JSO’s hotline for their take on this quirky tale, but it seems the line was as elusive as the last clean energy solution.

So there you have it, folks. The wild ride of JSO and their child eco-recruitment escapades continues. Will these young activists outshine their adult counterparts in the eco-crusade? Will schools turn into battlegrounds for climate combat? Will there be an inflatable Earth involved? Only time will tell, my friends. Stay tuned for the next episode of “Eco-Zealots Gone Mildly Wild.”

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