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Divers rescue juvenile shark trapped in work glove off Rhode Island coast

Connecticut Couple Rescues Baby Shark on Scuba Dive

A scuba diving adventure for Deb and Steve Dauphinais took an unexpected turn when they became shark saviors. The couple, hailing from Glastonbury, Connecticut, found themselves in a unique underwater rescue mission while diving near Jamestown, Rhode Island.

During their dive in the sandy shallows, Deb Dauphinais, an experienced dive instructor, spotted a 16-inch juvenile shark with its head trapped inside a work glove. The shark was sitting about 35 feet below the surface.

At first, Deb believed the shark was lifeless, but then it twitched. She quickly signaled to her husband, Steve, for assistance. Steve joined her, and together, they assessed the situation.

With caution, Steve gently tugged on the glove, which appeared to be suctioned to the shark’s head. After a bit of effort, the glove finally released its grip, freeing the young shark.

The couple encountered what seemed to be a juvenile Dogfish shark. While they weren’t too worried about an attack, they remained cautious in case the shark reacted defensively.

After being liberated from its unexpected accessory, the shark seemed unharmed, regained its composure, and swam away to its natural habitat.

Deb Dauphinais, a veteran dive instructor with three decades of experience, has a history of helping distressed marine animals. In a previous instance, she rescued a black sea bass entangled in a discarded fishing line.

Deb Dauphinais expressed her concern about marine life falling victim to underwater debris, emphasizing it as an ongoing issue close to her heart. She noted that while many marine creatures suffer due to underwater pollution, she considers herself fortunate to have saved at least one shark from such a fate.


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