90 day fiance clip dempsey wonders if statler romance is waste of time if she doesnt want kids.jpg

Dempsey, Statler Argue Over Having Kids

Dempsey and Statler’s Relationship at Crossroads Over Kids Debate

Dempsey Wilkinson and Statler Riley, a couple featured on the reality show “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days,” are facing a pivotal moment in their relationship. In a recent episode, they openly discussed the possibility of starting a family, and it seems their views don’t quite align.

“I really want to have clarity from Statler about whether she wants kids or not,” explained Dempsey, who is 28 years old. “Because if we want different things, our whole relationship could just be a waste of time.”

During dinner, Dempsey broached the topic of marriage and family, to which Statler, aged 33, responded with a probing question: “Why do you want kids? Why?” Statler had concerns about the challenges and expenses of raising children, considering her own adoption experience. She admitted, “I don’t know if I have the emotional and mental willpower. I don’t feel like I have that maternal bone inside me.”

Dempsey, on the other hand, expressed optimism about adoption, while Statler shared her personal struggles stemming from her own adoption experience. “I still have a lot of adoptee trauma that I have not worked through,” Statler revealed.

The tension escalated as Dempsey declared her determination to become a parent, whether on her own or with a partner. It’s clear that the couple faces significant hurdles in finding common ground on this crucial matter.

Dempsey, originally from the U.K., and Statler initially connected online and finally met in person on “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days.” Throughout their journey, they’ve encountered challenges, including disagreements about living arrangements and reactions from their families.

The future of Dempsey and Statler’s relationship hangs in the balance as they grapple with the question of whether to start a family. Tune in to “90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days” on Sundays at 8 p.m. ET on TLC to see how their story unfolds.


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