Daughter Loses £6M Inheritance Battle: Dad’s Hitman Plot Backfires 😱

Hey there, party people! 🎉 So, picture this: a woman walks into an inheritance fight like she’s about to drop the most epic mic in history. 💁‍♀️ But wait, it gets crazier! This woman’s dad, let’s call him Norman “Hitman Hatcher” Gill, once had a plan so wild that even Hollywood screenwriters would’ve been like, “Nah, that’s too much!”

Back in the day, in 1979, this property tycoon dude, Norman, apparently thought it’d be a great idea to hire a hitman for a truly unconventional couples therapy session with his wife, Mary. 🕵️‍♂️ Yeah, you heard me right, folks! Instead of sending flowers or planning a romantic getaway, Norman’s idea of relationship help was a one-way ticket to a psychiatric hospital. 🏥💔

Fast forward to modern times – Norman’s kids, Jessica, Marcus, and Elizabeth, are standing there like, “Alright, Dad, you sure had a weird way of showing love.” 😅 But here’s the kicker: when Norman kicks the bucket at the ripe age of 83 in 2018, his kids find out they’re getting a whopping £5,000 each. I mean, come on, that wouldn’t even buy you a decent avocado toast in today’s world! 🥑💸

But hold up, it’s not just pocket change that Norman’s been shoveling around. Nope, he’s like Oprah, giving out millions to friends, assistants, carers, and his long-lost third cousin twice removed. 🎁🤷‍♂️ And wait, there’s more! A cool £4 million trust is set up in his name to “benefit the people of the city and county of Leicester.” Norman’s like the philanthropic puppet master from beyond the grave! 👻🎩

But Jessica’s not having any of it. She’s all like, “Dad had a personality disorder and this will is as crazy as that time he tried to hire a hitman!” 🙅‍♀️ So, she takes this whole shebang to the High Court, probably dragging her emoji pillow with her, and says, “This will is just as irrational as thinking pineapple belongs on pizza!” 🍍🍕

Now, cue the dramatic courtroom showdown, with Jessica on one side, the trust on the other, and a judge in the middle who’s probably contemplating a career in stand-up comedy after this trial. 🎤👩‍⚖️ And what’s the verdict, you ask? Well, the trust wins! 🏆 Looks like Norman’s posthumous puppeteering skills are still on point.

So, there you have it, folks! The tale of a hitman-hiring, inheritance-tweaking, trust-fund-making dad who’s still pulling the strings from the great beyond. Who knew family drama could be this entertaining? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to write my will – I’m leaving all my emojis to my favorite pizza place! 🍕😂Hey there, party people! 🎉 So, picture this: a woman walks into an inheritance fight like she’s about to drop the most epic mic in history. 💁‍♀️ But wait, it gets crazier! This woman’s dad, let’s call him Norman “Hitman Hatcher” Gill, once had a plan so wild that even Hollywood screenwriters would’ve been like, “Nah, that’s too much!”

Back in the day, in 1979, this property tycoon dude, Norman, apparently thought it’d be a great idea to hire a hitman for a truly unconventional couples therapy session with his wife, Mary. 🕵️‍♂️ Yeah, you heard me right, folks! Instead of sending flowers or planning a romantic getaway, Norman’s idea of relationship help was a one-way ticket to a psychiatric hospital. 🏥💔

Fast forward to modern times – Norman’s kids, Jessica, Marcus, and Elizabeth, are standing there like, “Alright, Dad, you sure had a weird way of showing love.” 😅 But here’s the kicker: when Norman kicks the bucket at the ripe age of 83 in 2018, his kids find out they’re getting a whopping £5,000 each. I mean, come on, that wouldn’t even buy you a decent avocado toast in today’s world! 🥑💸

But hold up, it’s not just pocket change that Norman’s been shoveling around. Nope, he’s like Oprah, giving out millions to friends, assistants, carers, and his long-lost third cousin twice removed. 🎁🤷‍♂️ And wait, there’s more! A cool £4 million trust is set up in his name to “benefit the people of the city and county of Leicester.” Norman’s like the philanthropic puppet master from beyond the grave! 👻🎩

But Jessica’s not having any of it. She’s all like, “Dad had a personality disorder and this will is as crazy as that time he tried to hire a hitman!” 🙅‍♀️ So, she takes this whole shebang to the High Court, probably dragging her emoji pillow with her, and says, “This will is just as irrational as thinking pineapple belongs on pizza!” 🍍🍕

Now, cue the dramatic courtroom showdown, with Jessica on one side, the trust on the other, and a judge in the middle who’s probably contemplating a career in stand-up comedy after this trial. 🎤👩‍⚖️ And what’s the verdict, you ask? Well, the trust wins! 🏆 Looks like Norman’s posthumous puppeteering skills are still on point.

So, there you have it, folks! The tale of a hitman-hiring, inheritance-tweaking, trust-fund-making dad who’s still pulling the strings from the great beyond. Who knew family drama could be this entertaining? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to write my will – I’m leaving all my emojis to my favorite pizza place! 🍕😂

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