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Daniel Khalife cops swoop on leafy London suburb after confirmed sighting of escaped ‘terrorist’

Manhunt for Escaped Terror Suspect in Chiswick

In a swift response to a confirmed sighting, the Metropolitan Police has zeroed in on Chiswick, south-west London, in their determined pursuit of the escaped terror suspect, Daniel Khalife.

Focused Search

The hunt for Daniel Abed Khalife has brought law enforcement to Chiswick. Authorities are leaving no stone unturned in their efforts to locate the fugitive.

Clothing Clues

Police have shared details about the attire Khalife may be wearing, intensifying their relentless manhunt. In their recent statement, Scotland Yard disclosed, “This activity comes after intelligence-led efforts and verified sightings in the area overnight, including reports from concerned citizens.”

Ongoing Search Operation

Officers are actively present in the Chiswick vicinity and are planning to conduct extensive search operations throughout the day. Khalife is thought to be dressed in a black baseball cap, black t-shirt, and dark-colored bottoms, possibly carrying a small bag or case.

Public Vigilance Encouraged

Authorities emphasize the importance of public vigilance and urge residents in the area to immediately dial 999 upon sighting Khalife or possessing any information that might aid the search. While advising against approaching Khalife directly, officials assure that he does not pose a broader threat to the public.

Stay Tuned for Updates

Law enforcement promises to keep the public informed with further updates on the situation as it develops.

Escape and Manhunt Background

Khalife’s escape from HMP Wandsworth in south-west London occurred on Wednesday, with him fleeing under the cover of a food truck. In response, Scotland Yard initiated an extensive manhunt, offering a £20,000 reward for any valuable information.

Family’s Plea

The recent developments follow a heartfelt plea from Khalife’s family, urging him to surrender himself to the authorities.


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