Cyclist accused of kneeing young girl adds insult to injury after winning lawsuit against her dad

Belgian Cyclist Triumphs in Defamation Lawsuit Over Viral Incident with 5-Year-Old Girl

In a noteworthy turn of events, a Belgian cyclist, who gained fame on social media for an incident involving a 5-year-old girl on Christmas Day in 2020, has emerged victorious in a defamation lawsuit against the girl’s father.

The incident unfolded on a tranquil nature trail when an unidentified 63-year-old cyclist encountered the young girl and her mother. Astonishingly, a viral video captured the cyclist seemingly extending his knee deliberately, causing the child to tumble headlong into the snow. Without offering an apology, the cyclist swiftly pedaled away, leaving the family understandably upset.

The video, filmed by the girl’s father, Patrick Mpasa, soon stormed through social media channels, thrusting the situation into the public eye.

The Legal Battle Unfolds

Fast forward to February 2021, and the matter had its day in court, as reported by the New York Post. During the court proceedings, the cyclist contended that he had extended his knee in an attempt to prevent a fall and had not immediately realized that he had knocked the young girl to the ground.

The presiding judge issued a verdict, ordering the cyclist to pay a nominal fine, roughly equivalent to $1. The rationale behind this decision was that the cyclist had not harbored any intention to harm the girl, identified as Neia, and had already been subjected to a barrage of criticism on social media.

A Father’s Mission

However, Patrick Mpasa, the girl’s father, made it clear that his motivation for posting the video was not revenge but rather to “raise awareness” about similar potential hazards. In a December 2020 post, he expressed, “I also don’t want a witch hunt, I just want him to apologize.”

The Verdict

Ultimately, the cyclist decided to pursue a defamation lawsuit against the family, and the court ruled in his favor. Now, the city of Verviers awaits the judge’s decision on the amount he will receive from the lawsuit, with a hearing scheduled for April.

In a curious twist of events, a simple bike ride on a winter’s day led to a viral sensation, a courtroom battle, and a lesson in the power of social media in today’s interconnected world.

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