College Professor Fakes Native Heritage 😱 UC-Riverside Retirement 🎓

Unraveling the Quirks of Academic Escapades: The Enigmatic Tale of Andrea Smith

Hold on to your hats, folks, because we’ve got a peculiar academic escapade unfolding in the hallowed halls of the University of California, Riverside. Andrea Smith, the tenured professor under the spotlight, has been frolicking with accusations of faking her Native American roots for years. You heard that right – she’s been dancing a jig on a floor of fabrication. And guess what? She’s not just retiring, she’s taking her pension and prestigious title with her into the sunset.

The Native American Whisperer

Rumor has it that Andrea Smith, the mastermind behind Ethnic Studies, will be playing professor until August 2024. But here’s the kicker: she’s been dubbed a descendant of the tribal elite, only for more than a dozen fellow academics to claim she’s been pulling the wool over their scholarly eyes. They say she’s been yodeling fibs about her Native American heritage. Now, that’s a symphony of deception.

A Bizarre Bargain

Wait for it – here comes the twist. Instead of being dragged into an academic battlefield, the university is holding hands with Smith and shelling out up to $5,000 for her legal troubles. I mean, who wouldn’t want a five-grand ticket to escape an awkward fight, right? This strange saga reached its pinnacle when the university signed a deal with Smith to call it a day – no investigations, no turmoil. In a world where tenure is like winning the golden ticket, this deal is one for the books.

Cherokee Charades

Cue the side-eye. This isn’t Smith’s first rodeo in the heritage hoax. Back in 2008, she got caught in a web of lies when her University of Michigan tenure got a big fat “Nope.” But wait, the plot thickens – the renowned Angela Davis, a radical activist and Marxist guru, dubbed her a champion of Indigenous feminism. Little did she know, the ride was just beginning. Cherokee academics did some snooping and found out that Smith’s membership in the tribe was more fictional than a unicorn with a library card.

Identity Crisis Extraordinaire

Fast forward to 2015, the year of Rachel Dolezal – the white woman who claimed to be black. Amidst the hoopla, Smith’s questionable lineage threw her in the ring. A Cherokee genealogist – yes, that’s a thing – spilled the beans. Turns out, Smith had as much Cherokee blood as a snowman. Even Smith’s own family tree was like, “Hold up, we’re Scandinavian!” Not exactly the feather in her cap she was hoping for.

The Grand Finale

Hold onto your skepticism, because Smith’s retirement isn’t just any curtain call. This guru of faux Native heritage is taking a final bow with all her benefits intact. It’s like walking out of a theater with the popcorn machine in tow. Smith’s got chutzpah, you’ve got to give her that.

In a world of academia where tenure battles usually play out like a Shakespearean tragedy, this saga had its own script. Whether it’s a masterpiece or a comedy of errors, we’ll let you be the judge. Just remember, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction – especially when there’s a tenured professor at the heart of the tale.

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