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Charlotte Sena: FBI’s ‘Miracle’ Child Abduction Unit Boosts Recovery Rates

Special FBI Team Rescues Kidnapped 9-Year-Old in Upstate New York

MOREAU, N.Y. — In a remarkable rescue operation this week, a specialized FBI unit dedicated to finding abducted children came to the forefront, successfully recovering a kidnapped 9-year-old girl in Upstate New York.

The team, known as CARD (Child Abduction Rapid Deployment), consists of 70 agents. Since its establishment in 2006, it has managed to locate 99 of the 217 children who were taken by predators, according to Supervisory Special Agent Leslie Adamczyk.

CARD operates behind the scenes, providing expertise and support during major abduction investigations. They’re like “advisers” who step in when needed, offering their extensive knowledge in cases where local agencies might lack experience.

Craig Ross Jr. is the suspected kidnapper in this recent case. While his criminal record primarily involves misdemeanors, it includes an alleged domestic violence incident. The CARD team is equipped with resources such as behavioral profilers, investigative strategies, a centralized command post, and access to the vast resources of the FBI.

One key strength of CARD is their ability to deploy a full team on the ground within 12 hours, which can be crucial in time-sensitive cases.

In the case of Charlotte Sena, New York Governor Kathy Hochul revealed that the FBI was already in Upstate New York, collaborating with state troopers, shortly after the 9-year-old was reported missing.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing nature of the investigation, specific details about the CARD team’s role in Charlotte’s case cannot be disclosed.

Locals in Saratoga County, where the abduction occurred, have expressed their relief at Charlotte’s safe return. One neighbor living near the suspect’s home described the jubilation among law enforcement upon finding her.

While Charlotte’s rescue is a heartwarming outcome, not every case ends so positively. Adamczyk shared statistics from CARD’s 203 deployments since 2006: 217 victims searched for, 99 found alive, 24 still missing, and 94 found deceased, with 69 of them murdered.

These cases, particularly those involving children, place significant emotional, mental, and physical strain on the agents involved. Adamczyk emphasized the importance of supporting their well-being, especially after traumatic outcomes.

CARD consists of four regional teams, and the members maintain a strong support network to help each other cope with the emotional toll.

Stranger abductions are rare, according to Adamczyk. The most common cases they encounter involve online exploitation and “catfish-type” scams where perpetrators pretend to be someone they’re not to lure their victims.

Adamczyk also had a message for local and state police departments. She urged them to seek CARD’s assistance through phone consultations and training courses, emphasizing that CARD’s goal is solely to help bring abducted children safely back to their families.

In Charlotte’s case, New York State Police led the investigation and arrest, working tirelessly alongside the FBI’s CARD team to locate and arrest the alleged abductor and reunite the girl with her family.

The suspect, Craig Ross Jr., has been charged with first-degree kidnapping, with the possibility of additional charges. He is currently held without bond in Saratoga County jail.

The heartwarming result of Charlotte Sena’s rescue serves as a testament to the dedication and expertise of the FBI’s CARD team, which remains committed to ensuring the safety of abducted children.

Sena Family / GoFundMe

(Image: A photo of Charlotte Sena was released for a GoFundMe campaign to support the 9-year-old after her rescue.)


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