California man learns his fate after disgusting encounter with teen girl on cross-country Delta flight

Man Sentenced to Five Years in Prison for Assaulting Minor on Flight

In a recent verdict, a federal judge handed down a five-year prison sentence to a man from California. The conviction was for his assault on a 13-year-old girl during a Delta Air Lines flight.

The Disturbing Incident

On June 23, 2022, Brian Patrick Durning, 52, was seated next to a 13-year-old girl during a late-night flight from Los Angeles to Orlando, Florida. The young girl was separated from her family, who were seated two rows away.

According to evidence presented at the trial, once the cabin lights were dimmed, Durning assaulted the child. A fellow passenger awoke to find Durning’s hand inappropriately touching the girl and decided to intervene.

The sentencing memorandum described Durning’s strange behavior as the lights dimmed. He began to make unwarranted physical contact with the young girl, including touching her hair and neck.

The Victim’s Trauma

When the child tried to stop Durning’s actions, he escalated by touching her chest and making disturbing threats. He referred to her as “honey boo” and claimed he would take her to Texas. He even told her that she would never see her family again, according to federal prosecutors.

The case became even more disturbing as prosecutors alleged that Durning’s actions went beyond what could be publicly disclosed. The incident left the 13-year-old girl traumatized, suffering panic attacks, tears, and physical pain. She noticed blood in her underwear and struggled with nightmares, even during the trial.

Impact on the Victim

In court, the girl’s mother testified about the profound impact of the assault on her daughter. She recounted that her daughter withdrew from social activities, refused to leave the house, and experienced difficulty going back to school.

Another passenger witnessed the situation and moved to protect the young girl. Durning attempted to assault her as well but was stopped.

Defense Claims Alcohol Influence

Durning’s attorney claimed that alcohol played a role in his client’s behavior during the flight.

The Sentencing

On June 22, Durning was convicted of assaulting a minor on an aircraft. United States District Judge Wendy W. Berger subsequently sentenced him to five years in federal prison, to be followed by three years of supervised release.

Investigation and Initiative

The case was initially investigated by the FBI, Federal Air Marshals, and the Orlando Police Department. Federal prosecutors pursued the case as part of Project Safe Childhood, an initiative by the Department of Justice aimed at combating child sexual exploitation and abuse.

Fox News Digital reached out to Delta Air Lines for comment.

[Note: This rewrite follows a more simplified and straightforward journalistic style while ensuring that the key information is presented in a clear and concise manner.]


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