British Family’s Harrowing Escape: Fleeing Majorca ‘Hurricane’ Chaos

British Family’s Dramatic Escape from Majorca Storms

Imagine planning a peaceful stroll with your kids in a dreamy spot, only for Mother Nature to turn it into a wild sprint for safety. Well, that’s exactly what happened to a British couple on the island of Majorca recently. Meet Jessica Gorman and her fiancé Scott, who had just gotten engaged the day before the chaos struck. They thought they were in for a family-friendly adventure, but those plans took a detour to “mayhem avenue.”

Jessica, who hails from Reigate, Surrey, shared her heart-pounding tale with MailOnline. Picture this: hurricane-force winds, a three-month-old baby named Ritchie, a five-year-old boy named Roman, a seven-year-old champ called Piers, and oh, a pram caught in a wind dance. The kids were letting out their best “we’re not having this” screams, and Jessica and Scott were seriously worried about their tiny bundle of joy, Ritchie, caught in this tempest tango.

Running like Olympic sprinters, they covered a half-hour distance in record time to reach their hotel. The roads were as deserted as a ghost town, cars were MIA, and the wind was so wild, Jessica felt like she was pushing a pram on a sideways treadmill. Total craziness, right?

But hold up, there’s more. As if this weren’t enough, the storm turned resorts into “whoa, what happened here?” zones. Sun loungers decided to go for a swim in pools, and the skies turned from sunny to “cover your eyes” in no time. Majorca, known for its sunny vibes, suddenly had folks ducking for cover from sun loungers playing superhero.

And remember, Jessica and Scott were fresh off an engagement high – talk about a stormy pre-honeymoon test! Scott even had to brave a downpour to get help because their baby’s milk supply was on empty. And when they finally reached their hotel, guess what? The ground floor decided to join the pool party. A bit of a damp welcome, you could say.

But amidst the chaos, Jessica did find a silver lining: her engagement happened right before the storm stole the show. As she puts it with a chuckle, “He was actually planning to do it today, so it’s good that he did it yesterday in the sun.”

So, while Majorca weather turned from chill to thrill, this British family’s adventure will be remembered for more than just a stroll to the market. The stormy surprise – not exactly a honeymoon breeze, but hey, at least they’ve got a story for the grandkids, right? 🌪️

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