Bodycam captures dramatic shoot-out with man accused of slaughtering family before he vanishes

Wisconsin’s Most-Wanted Fugitive: The Skilled Marksman on the Run

In a heart-pounding Wild West-style gun battle that unfolded in the tranquil town of Sumner, Wisconsin, Kevin Anderson, one of the state’s most-wanted fugitives, allegedly left a trail of destruction. This incident, which occurred on June 16, 2020, involved the tragic deaths of two family members, gunfire exchanged with law enforcement, and the torching of his father’s farm before Anderson mysteriously vanished.

A chaotic series of gunshots shattered the peace as a deputy from the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a burglary call, seeking to maintain law and order.

“Shots fired at the residence. Shots fired,” he urgently relayed to dispatch while taking cover behind a police SUV, with the sounds of more gunfire echoing in the background.

The officer called for “return fire” from his colleagues, highlighting the danger of the situation.

In a harrowing 15-minute bodycam footage, obtained by Fox News Digital through a public records request, the exchange of bullets unfolds in this small farm town near Lake Koshkonong.

As the deputy retreated, he fired four rounds at an upper window before finding the lifeless bodies of Jim and Nedra Lemke, Anderson’s brother-in-law and sister, who had reported the burglary. Tragically, they were the alleged victims of Anderson’s deadly actions.

Kevin Anderson is accused of firing at least 12 shots at the responding deputy’s vehicle, intensifying the already dire situation.

The incident took a more sinister turn when Anderson was accused of burning down his father’s farm, a property that his father had bequeathed to his sister in his will. This detail was discovered by law enforcement during the investigation.

Within minutes, backup officers arrived at the scene, only to be met with “dark smoke and visible flames” engulfing the two-story house. The bodycam footage captures the officers driving away from the burning building as a large plume of smoke rises into the air.

Despite more than three years passing since the incident, Kevin Anderson remains at large and is considered armed and dangerous.

The investigation revealed that Anderson’s anger stemmed from his father’s decision to appoint his sister as the executor of his estate, and this revelation came just four days before the shootout. Police found the physical will on the kitchen table in Anderson’s home, adding a troubling layer to the case.

As the situation unfolded, it appeared that Anderson managed to escape the burning building. Although no human remains were discovered amidst the wreckage, the dense wooded areas in the vicinity complicated the search for Anderson.

Remarkably, one of Anderson’s hunting buddies, during an interview with the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, described Anderson as a skilled marksman, capable of shots that most others couldn’t make.

Detective Ryan McIntyre, the lead investigator on the case, disclosed that there have been no sightings of Kevin Anderson in over three years, leaving law enforcement with an ongoing and mysterious search for the fugitive.

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