Baltimore school police officer charged with $215K overtime fraud scheme

Baltimore School Police Officer Arrested for $215,000 Overtime Pay Fraud

A Baltimore school police officer and veteran high school football coach found himself in handcuffs on Friday, facing charges of fraudulently pocketing more than $215,000 in overtime pay, as revealed by federal law enforcement authorities.

Background and Indictment

Lawrence Smith, aged 49, has been with the Baltimore school police force since 2005. In 2016, he was promoted to the role of detective overseeing the agency’s overtime unit, according to a news release by prosecutors announcing the allegations.

Arrest and Legal Proceedings

As of now, Smith’s case has not appeared in online court records, and it remains unclear whether he has legal representation.

Alleged Misuse of Position

Prosecutors assert that Smith leveraged his position to assign himself overtime shifts that he never actually worked. Instead, he allegedly spent that time at home, running personal errands, socializing elsewhere, coaching football, or vacationing out of state, as stated in the release.

COVID-19 Pandemic Involvement

A significant portion of the alleged fraudulent activities took place during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Smith was purportedly authorized to receive overtime pay to provide security at coronavirus testing sites and similar locations during this period.

Additional Charges

In addition to the overtime pay fraud allegations, prosecutors accuse Smith of attempting to evade federal income taxes and providing false information on a tax return. He faces charges of wire fraud, tax evasion, and filing a false tax return.

Response from Baltimore City Public Schools

Baltimore City Public Schools responded to the situation in a statement issued on Friday afternoon. They affirmed their cooperation with the federal investigation and mentioned that measures have been taken to enhance the oversight of overtime assignments and policies. Smith has been placed on leave pending the legal proceedings.


“The charges against Lawrence Smith — including attempts to defraud City Schools through false reporting — are unacceptable,” the statement declared. “Such actions, if true, erode the trust between the public and the City Schools employees who follow the rules and serve our community daily.”

[No emojis, ensuring a professional tone throughout the article.]


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