Anti-Ulez Protesters Park Near Mayor’s House, Urge End to Road Charge

Khan’s Bank Holiday Disturbance: ‘Khan-ovan of Hate’ Parked Near Home

Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, has found his Bank Holiday weekend disrupted by anti-Ulez activists who have staged a peculiar protest. A caravan covered in provocative messages was parked near Khan’s residence in Tooting, protesting against London’s new low emission zones (ULEZ).

The mobile home, humorously dubbed the ‘Khan-ovan of hate’, displayed messages branding the Mayor as the ‘dictator of London’. One message hilariously featured a picture of Khan alongside the words, ‘Pay me £12.50 and you can pollute for 24 hours’, while others shouted to ‘sack Khan’.

Starting tomorrow, a bunch of folks cruising around in older, dirtier cars will have to shell out £12.50 every day they drive into the city. This fresh ULEZ expansion has stirred up quite a fuss among certain folks.

A local eyewitness shared that the caravan’s appearance has riled up many in the area. The expansion of this ULEZ scheme seems to have hit a nerve.🚗💨

The caravan, decked out in protest slogans against ULEZ, was locked up near Khan’s house. Warnings like ‘ULEZ will be your Poll Tax Mr Khan’ and cries of ‘ULEZ is a cash grab’ were plastered all over it. There’s even a picture of the mayor with a speech bubble saying, ‘Pay me £12.50 and you can pollute for 24 hours’. 😱

Critics have been blasting Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ expansion for a while now. Some locals are not too thrilled about it, as it could hit their pockets or force them into buying a new set of wheels.

The caravan’s photos have been making rounds in a Facebook group named ‘Action Against Unfair Ulez’. Supporters are chiming in with praise like ‘Fantastic, well done’ and one bragged about cruising past it in a non-ULEZ van.

While the mischievous minds behind the stunt aren’t clear, planners at the Greater London Authority are sticking to their guns. They claim that a big chunk of cars and vans already meets the ULEZ standards. So, it’s not like everyone’s being dragged into this.

But hey, not everyone’s on board with this ULEZ stuff. Some “blade runners” (no, not the sci-fi kind) have been chopping cables on ULEZ cameras or covering the lenses with stickers reading ‘FCUK KHAN’. 😈

Looks like Southeast London’s ULEZ cameras are taking a bit of a beating. Data from the crowd suggests that almost 90% of them are having a rough time, with only a handful still working in some areas.

Transport for London (TfL) isn’t backing down, though. They’re determined to roll out these ULEZ changes as planned. Vandalized cameras will either get patched up or swapped out.

Top motoring lawyer, a guy known as Mr. Loophole, shared a thought. If drivers waltz into these new expanded ULEZ zones without seeing any warning signs, they might have a case to dispute their fines.

Seems like some local authorities neighboring London aren’t too keen on playing ball with TfL. They’re not signing up to let ULEZ signs roam within their borders. This move has been led by a bunch of Tory-led councils who’ve got beef with ULEZ hitting their residents’ wallets.

Starting next week, all of London’s going to be under this ULEZ umbrella, and folks with non-compliant cars will have to dish out £12.50 per day. The fight against ULEZ signage is getting creative, with signs popping up beneath cameras to give drivers a heads-up.

But TfL is standing firm, saying the signs will be clear and the info public enough. So, if you’re driving a clunker, you better be ready to pay up. Let’s see how this ULEZ drama unfolds! 🚙💸🛣️

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