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Alcoholic headteacher who sexually assaulted two young female pupils with special needs is caged

Former Headteacher Sentenced to Jail for Sexual Assault on Young Pupils

A former headteacher, Angus Blackmore, aged 59, has been sentenced to jail for sexually assaulting two young female pupils. Both of these students were under 13 years old and had special educational needs.

During the trial, it was revealed that Blackmore, who had a troubling relationship with alcohol, “isolated” and groomed these vulnerable girls. Shockingly, he consumed a staggering 13 pints of strong cider daily and also used his school laptop to access child abuse images and videos.

In a desperate attempt to escape responsibility, Blackmore attempted to blame the illicit computer content on his own children, who supported him during the trial at Aylesbury Crown Court in Bucks.

The appalling assaults occurred at two schools in High Wycombe over a period spanning from 2015 to 2018. One of these assaults even took place in front of a colleague, making it even more distressing.

At the sentencing, Judge Jonathan Cooper at Aylesbury Crown Court had strong words for the defendant. He said, “You have been described as a good character by people who claim to know you very well. You have been described as a model teacher, a model father, a model colleague and friend. However, these people do not know you well at all. Not one of the people close to you who have written to me is apparently aware that you were living a double life as a paedophile with a sexual interest in primary school-aged girls.”

As a result of his actions, Angus Blackmore, who resides in Tylers Green, Bucks, was found guilty of four sexual assault charges and has been sentenced to four-and-a-half years in prison.


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