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Memorial Honoring Vietnam Veterans in Philadelphia Vandalized

A solemn tribute to American military service members who valiantly fought and lost their lives during the Vietnam War has been defaced, according to the caretakers in Philadelphia.

The president of the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Terry Williamson, revealed that vandals have caused extensive damage worth $20,000. This unfortunate incident marks the most severe destruction the memorial has experienced in its 36-year history.

Williamson expressed his frustration, stating, “Despite our efforts to make progress, these troublemakers seem to push us backward. Our plans for important maintenance tasks, including fixing dangerous paths around the Memorial, will have to be delayed.”

The recent vandalism at the Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial has resulted in the destruction of light fixtures, theft of medal medallions, and damage to skate guards. The extent of harm to the marble is still under assessment.

This regrettable incident took place within the last four or five days, as indicated by Williamson.

The caretakers are now organizing efforts to gather funds for the repair work. This includes replacing 20 “Star” skate toppers that were pried off the marble, along with 10 recess light covers and several damaged light fixtures.

The memorial holds the names of 648 individuals from Philadelphia who tragically lost their lives in the Vietnam conflict, echoing the significance of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C.

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