41-Year-Old Found Dead in Bedroom Due to Toxic Fumes

Tragic Incident: Man Passes Away Due to Bedroom Fire

In a solemn incident that unfolded in Norton, a man was tragically found deceased as a result of toxic fumes that filled his bedroom while he slept. The man, identified as Marc Wilson, 41, and a smoker, was discovered by caregivers who had paid a visit to his residence. The cause of this unfortunate event was pinpointed to a cigarette butt igniting his mattress back in March.

Fire and rescue teams, responding to the situation, came across a smouldering fire at the head of Marc Wilson’s bed, a fire that eventually led to his carbon monoxide poisoning. Stoke-on-Trent Live reports that fire investigator Andrew Huckle provided insight into the incident. “Cigarette butts were found in the bed and scattered around the room,” he revealed. “The damage caused by burning was considerable, extending from the mattress to the head of the bed.”

Huckle explained further, “A lit cigarette on a bed can smoulder for a significant period, ranging from 20 minutes to even two hours. This slow burn emits toxic fumes. It appears that a cigarette butt sparked the fire on the bed.” The investigation uncovered a grey bucket that may have been used to combat the flames, alongside evidence of a running tap inside the property.

He emphasized the hazardous nature of such situations, stating, “People often believe they can handle a fire like this, but the reality is that even a few breaths of the toxic smoke can render someone unconscious.”

The inquest revealed that Marc Wilson’s caregivers had visited him the night before the tragic event, during which they had cleared his ashtray. The subsequent morning, during their first visit of the day, they discovered his lifeless body. Staffordshire Police shared that the residence was securely locked, and all windows were shut, resulting in the fire burning out due to the lack of oxygen.

Carers, who attended to Marc three times daily, stated that he was last seen without any concerns on the night before the incident. Described as a solitary individual, Marc Wilson’s cause of death was officially attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning.

During the proceedings, North Staffordshire Assistant Coroner Emma Serrano underlined the cause of death, stating, “It is evident to me that the smoke stemming from the smouldering mattress caused his demise. Although we cannot determine whether he attempted to tackle the fire, I am categorizing his passing as an accidental death caused by a discarded cigarette. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family in this trying time.”

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