🔥 New Mexico’s Oil Boom: $3.5B Income Surge with Record-Breaking Production!

Hey there, party people! 🎉 So, guess what? New Mexico is like, breaking records and making money rain like it’s going out of style! 🌟💰 Economists in the state just dropped some news hotter than a jalapeno-covered nacho: they’re predicting a multibillion-dollar surplus thanks to oil production that’s shooting up faster than a cactus on steroids. 🌵😂

Picture this: annual state income hitting a whopping $13 billion for the upcoming fiscal year from July 2024 to June 2025. That’s like, a $3.5 billion surplus – which is like, 36% more than what they’re currently spending. Those economists are high-fiving each other like they just won the lottery, probably while sipping on margaritas and dancing to “Don’t Stop Believin'” in their office. 💃🍹

But hold your horses, folks! 🐴 (Not that New Mexico has any shortage of those.) There’s some serious stuff on the table too. I’m talking crime, healthcare, and the quality of public education. And don’t even get me started on childhood poverty and workforce participation. 📚👩‍🏫 Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Amy, didn’t you say this was going to be funny?” Well, buckle up, because I’m about to sprinkle some comedy on this oil-soaked situation.

Oil production in New Mexico is on a rampage, doubling like my appetite at an all-you-can-eat buffet. They’re the second-biggest producer after Texas, which basically means they’re like the Beyoncé of oil right now. 💁‍♀️💃 And you know what that means – cha-ching! The energy industry is dropping cash like confetti, thanks to taxes, royalties, and basically every kind of tax you can think of. 🎉💸 It’s like the oil industry is paying New Mexico’s bills with a massive stack of Monopoly money.

Wayne Propst, who’s like the finance wizard of the state, declared, “We are living in unprecedented and historical times in the state of New Mexico.” I mean, Wayne, you’re acting like New Mexico just won the lottery and bought a private island with a waterslide that goes into a pool of guacamole. 🥑🏖️

The state’s bank account is so bloated it’s practically doing the money dance. 💃💰 They’ve got over $4.3 billion just sitting there, chilling like a cactus in the desert. But, my fellow funny-friends, let’s not forget the voice of reason. State Rep. Harry Garcia is like, “Hold up, people! Let’s not go spending this money like we’re in a shopping spree montage from a rom-com.” 🛍️😬

Let’s give credit where credit is due, though. New Mexico isn’t just throwing this cash around like confetti at a wedding. They’ve been raising public salaries, giving out tuition-free college like it’s candy on Halloween, and they even have these “rainy-day” emergency accounts. It’s like they’re preparing for a weather forecast that says, “Expect showers of financial stability.” ☔💼

But, oh boy, the energy market can be as unpredictable as my dating life. 🙈💔 Just like that one time I thought I met a perfect guy, but it turned out he collected toenail clippings. Sen. George Muñoz knows what’s up. He’s all about moving the state away from relying on oil and gas. I mean, who needs fossil fuels when you’ve got renewable energy sources and the power of dad jokes to light up your life? 💡😄

And before I go, let’s not forget about the governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham. She’s throwing around tax breaks and credits like they’re glitter at a rave. ✨🎉 But she’s also got her serious pants on, vetoing stuff left and right to make sure the state’s finances are as stable as a saguaro cactus in a sandstorm. 🌵🌪️

So there you have it, folks! New Mexico is riding the oil wave like a pro surfer, but also planning for a future where they won’t have to rely on that black gold. It’s like they’re saying, “Oil, you’ve been great, but it’s time for us to see other energy sources.” And who knows, maybe one day we’ll see New Mexico rocking wind turbines like they’re the latest fashion trend. 💨👗 But until then, let’s just enjoy the ride and hope they don’t spend that surplus on building a taco-themed roller coaster. 🌮🎢Hey there, party people! 🎉 So, guess what? New Mexico is like, breaking records and making money rain like it’s going out of style! 🌟💰 Economists in the state just dropped some news hotter than a jalapeno-covered nacho: they’re predicting a multibillion-dollar surplus thanks to oil production that’s shooting up faster than a cactus on steroids. 🌵😂

Picture this: annual state income hitting a whopping $13 billion for the upcoming fiscal year from July 2024 to June 2025. That’s like, a $3.5 billion surplus – which is like, 36% more than what they’re currently spending. Those economists are high-fiving each other like they just won the lottery, probably while sipping on margaritas and dancing to “Don’t Stop Believin'” in their office. 💃🍹

But hold your horses, folks! 🐴 (Not that New Mexico has any shortage of those.) There’s some serious stuff on the table too. I’m talking crime, healthcare, and the quality of public education. And don’t even get me started on childhood poverty and workforce participation. 📚👩‍🏫 Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Amy, didn’t you say this was going to be funny?” Well, buckle up, because I’m about to sprinkle some comedy on this oil-soaked situation.

Oil production in New Mexico is on a rampage, doubling like my appetite at an all-you-can-eat buffet. They’re the second-biggest producer after Texas, which basically means they’re like the Beyoncé of oil right now. 💁‍♀️💃 And you know what that means – cha-ching! The energy industry is dropping cash like confetti, thanks to taxes, royalties, and basically every kind of tax you can think of. 🎉💸 It’s like the oil industry is paying New Mexico’s bills with a massive stack of Monopoly money.

Wayne Propst, who’s like the finance wizard of the state, declared, “We are living in unprecedented and historical times in the state of New Mexico.” I mean, Wayne, you’re acting like New Mexico just won the lottery and bought a private island with a waterslide that goes into a pool of guacamole. 🥑🏖️

The state’s bank account is so bloated it’s practically doing the money dance. 💃💰 They’ve got over $4.3 billion just sitting there, chilling like a cactus in the desert. But, my fellow funny-friends, let’s not forget the voice of reason. State Rep. Harry Garcia is like, “Hold up, people! Let’s not go spending this money like we’re in a shopping spree montage from a rom-com.” 🛍️😬

Let’s give credit where credit is due, though. New Mexico isn’t just throwing this cash around like confetti at a wedding. They’ve been raising public salaries, giving out tuition-free college like it’s candy on Halloween, and they even have these “rainy-day” emergency accounts. It’s like they’re preparing for a weather forecast that says, “Expect showers of financial stability.” ☔💼

But, oh boy, the energy market can be as unpredictable as my dating life. 🙈💔 Just like that one time I thought I met a perfect guy, but it turned out he collected toenail clippings. Sen. George Muñoz knows what’s up. He’s all about moving the state away from relying on oil and gas. I mean, who needs fossil fuels when you’ve got renewable energy sources and the power of dad jokes to light up your life? 💡😄

And before I go, let’s not forget about the governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham. She’s throwing around tax breaks and credits like they’re glitter at a rave. ✨🎉 But she’s also got her serious pants on, vetoing stuff left and right to make sure the state’s finances are as stable as a saguaro cactus in a sandstorm. 🌵🌪️

So there you have it, folks! New Mexico is riding the oil wave like a pro surfer, but also planning for a future where they won’t have to rely on that black gold. It’s like they’re saying, “Oil, you’ve been great, but it’s time for us to see other energy sources.” And who knows, maybe one day we’ll see New Mexico rocking wind turbines like they’re the latest fashion trend. 💨👗 But until then, let’s just enjoy the ride and hope they don’t spend that surplus on building a taco-themed roller coaster. 🌮🎢

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